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It was on a Saturday afternoon when (Y/n) finds herself being stared at by a strange man. She simply came to the convenience store to purchase snacks for gaming but had the sudden feeling that someone was boring holes through her head.

Of course, being agitated but curious, she took a quick glance towards the person. He stood by one of the shelves, occasionally sipping on his iced tea. The vibration in her pocket indicated that her phone was ringing.

She fished out the device and received the call.

"Where are you?"

"At the store," She answered the person on the other end.

"Which store?"

"The one near the theatre, why?"

"I'm coming to pick you up."

"No need, I got here by myself and I'll do the same to return home."

A sigh was heard through the phone. "You can depend on me a bit more yknow..."

"You're preparing my meals almost everyday. That is enough. I'd like to keep some of my independence, thank you."

Zuri chuckled. "Why would I want to have you walking around, taking taxis when I have a car?"

(Y/n)'s lips drew into a thin line, as if he wasn't the one who didn't attend school for five days and left her to take taxis by herself.

"Anyways I'm coming to pick you up, love yo—"


She hung up the call before he got the chance to finish.

(Y/n) stepped up in line and placed her things on the counter for the cashier to scan. After the purchase was completed, she headed for the exits.

"Hello there," a voice greeted the moment she stepped out. Looking towards the person that addressed her, she saw the same blonde haired man that was staring at her earlier.

"...hi," She greeted back, her tone monotonous. The least thing she wanted right now was to engage into a conversation with a stranger.

"Nice day isn't it?" He spoke. She responded with a soft 'mm' attempting to turn and walk away but the man spoke again.

"You look quite different from the picture I saw of you."

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him, "What picture?"

"Oh? Did that catch your attention?" The man snickered. "To be honest you look more plain than I expected. Why would he have such a taste?"

"Huh?" She was confused as to what the man was saying.

"Confused? Maybe the name Zuri would give you an idea."

"What about Zuri?" She asked, getting impatient of the man wasting her time.

He released an exasperated sigh. "Not only is she plain but she's dumb as well," he muttered.

"I'm Zuri's boyfriend," he clearly stated, anticipating her reaction. "Oh...that's nice," was all (Y/n) said with a blank expression before turning around to leave.

For a while the man was taken aback by her reaction before roughly grabbing her arm. "Hey! Don't you fu*king ignore me bit*h!"

(Y/n) turned to look at him. What is his problem now?

"You have Zuri cheating behind my back don't you?!"


"Don't lie to me! You're acting all cool now but I know your a fu*king whore when Zuri is around you, I saw that disgusting expression of yours on his phone!"

My Gay Boy Bestfriend [Yandere Male X FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now