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The beam of sunlight illuminating on his eyes awoke him from his sleep. Zuri groaned, squinting his eyes open to adjust to the brightness. He rose up from the bed and looked at the other individual sleeping next to him. Seeing the dark marks on the blonde male's neck, he rubbed his fingers over them.

"Maybe I was a bit too rough," he chuckled to himself. His boyfriend mumbled in his sleep, rolling on the other side. Yes, Zuri had a boyfriend now. The man had confessed his love to him during a sexual moment and Zuri, not in his right state of mind, accidentally accepted it.

He removed the sheet around his bare body and placed his feet onto the floor. His phone lit up on the night stand, making him pick it up to view the notification.

Game addict: Where are you? You're suspension is long over, you should be going to school now.

A warm feeling filled his chest from seeing a message from his best friend. She rarely called or texted him. Smirking, he opened the keyboard on his phone and started typing.

Zuri: Missed me?😏

He waited few minutes but there was no reply. A frown formed on his lips as he placed his phone back on the night stand. She was always like that; appearing online for a second before disappearing the next minute.

Today was Monday. Zuri's suspension was over last week Thursday, which meant he was at his boyfriend's house for five days. He wasn't intending to stay for so long but got caught up into lust that he lost track of time.

Arms wrapped around his neck and a warm lip pressed against his cheek. "Good Morning, Babe," the blonde haired man greeted.

"Morning," Zuri said, pulling out of the man's hug. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Can I join~?" The man asked, crawling to the edge of the bed. Zuri raised an eyebrow,  "You sure about that? Aren't you sore from last night?"

"Doesn't matter, I want to do it right now," the man spreaded his legs in submission.

Zuri chuckled, feeling his lower area getting hard. And for the 12th time, they did it again.


"Ahh. . .I'm starving," (Y/n) mumbled, walking through the hallway to her next class. Unfortunately, Nana hadn't came to school due to a doctor's appointment to get her wisdom tooth removed. So therefore, (Y/n) was alone today. She was hoping that Zuri would have returned so that way she could have at least have a ride home instead of waiting on the bus by herself.

Her stomach growled, desperate for food. She hadn't ate dinner last night nor did she ate breakfast and now she missed lunch, all because she was too busy playing on her phone during lunch time.

(Y/n) entered the classroom and started walking to her seat. On her way there, she saw someone sitting in Nana's seat. She ignored them, taking her seat but when she glanced back at the person, they seemed oddly familiar. His skin was dark and brown hair swept over his dark brown eyes while he was typing on his phone.

She directed her eyes back in front of her and decided to play on her phone a bit to ignore the hunger bitting at her stomach. Suddenly a small container was placed on her desk. She looked towards the person and saw the dark skinned boy grinning at her. She looked back towards the container and realised that food was present inside. Her eyes directed back at the boy as if asking what was the reason of him putting the container onto her desk.

"Zuri told me to give that to you," he said.

"Zuri?" (Y/n) asked. Maybe he was one of Zuri's friends.

My Gay Boy Bestfriend [Yandere Male X FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now