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He gave them one simple instruction. One. But the foolish boy decided to lay his hands onto what belonged to him.

His grey eyes scanned the dark room. A piece of metal, from one of the broken desk laid by the boy's feet.

"That metal, bring it to me."

The simple command had the boy shaking in his shoes. Slowly, he bent, picking the metal up with his hand. He knew what was coming next once handing the metal over to Zuri so as he walked closer to him, he swung the metal at his head, attempting to knock Zuri to the ground.

Before the metal could reach its target a hand fists itself around the other end, bringing the metal to a stop.

Wide eyes stared at Zuri in fear as he reacted so swiftly. Without being given enough time to process what to do next, the metal was yanked from the boy's hand and swung in front of his eyes.

Pain shot through his head as he stumbled back, tripping over his feet and collapsing to the ground. Another pain shot through the back of his head from the impact. It was a surprise he hadn't passed out right then and there.

Opening his eyes, he saw the other boys standing over him but they slowly backed away out of his vision, terror presented on their faces. He groaned, placing a hand on his head and pushed himself up. He could only as go far as to sit for the pain in his head go even worse.

However seeing the dark haired man walking towards him, the metal still held in his hand, made the boy quickly scampered to his feet. The sudden movement caused a wave of dizziness to take over his vision but he quickly used a nearby desk to support his balance.

Just as his sight went back to normal, the metal swinging towards his face caused a fright. He squeaked like a mouse, falling to the ground before the metal could hit him. The sound of the metal slicing the air made him look up.

"That could have killed me!" He yelled. Of course, he thought that Zuri was only going to give him a few hits, but with the strength that was aimed at him, made him wonder if he would be able to go home today.

Zuri's face was lack of any emotion. His hair swept over an eye as he stared the boy down. The dark aura the boy felt had him attempting to crawl back. "You're not going to. . .kill me are you? We're at school. . .you won't be able to do that."

"I'd say the same for you raping that girl you had in here. That's not your first time is it? Well, it's the same for me." A smirk grew on Zuri's lips. "It's not my first time killing someone."

Terrified, the boy began crawling as fast as possible to the other boys. "Oi! Help me! Do something about that crazy bastard!"

They too, tried getting away from him until they were all backed up into the wall. "Please don't harm us!" One begged.

"We did nothing! We tried telling him to stop but he wouldn't listen!"

The boy on the ground glared at the one that ranted him out. "He grabbed her ass!" He lied, pointing at the same boy that just spoke.

"What? I didn't!"

The boy was hit to the ground within a second. His face compacted into a desk as he fell, hitting a tooth out of his gum. "Ow. . ." He groaned, putting a hand over his bleeding mouth.

"You did what?" Zuri asked, stepping closer to him.

"I swear I didn't -"




The others flinched each time the metal came into contact with his face. Zuri did not stop until the boy's face was in a complete mess. Once finished, he smiled, gazing at his masterpiece. Slowly, his orbs averted to the other boys.

My Gay Boy Bestfriend [Yandere Male X FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now