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The running water from the shower came to a stop once the tap was turned. The (h/c) haired girl dried her skin before stepping out of the shower and slipping into some clothes. She pulled a towel over her damp hair, turned the doorknob and exited the bathroom. She intended to head straight to her room but someone stood in her way the moment she stepped out.

Zuri said nothing but gazed at her face that stared back at him, unfazed. His fingers traced the small scratches on her neck. It had been two weeks since the incident and the scratches were now healed. Those same fingers brushed softly across her skin as it trailed up to her chin then rested on her lips. He leaned down, placing a small kiss onto them before slightly drawing his head back to observe her expression.

Just like every other day, there was no reaction. No flustered face, no embarrassment, no resistance; an absence of everything.

He rested his head between her neck and shoulder. He wanted to see those emotions. . .he needed to. At first he was simply joking around with a few kisses but who knew it would've developed into such yearning.

Not to mention (Y/n) seemed to be more distant recently. Whenever she comes home, she'd go straight to her room and lock the door. She hardly comes out into the living room and the only times she ever showed up was in the kitchen and entering or exiting the bathroom. For some reason it felt as if they were becoming strangers.

Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her closer. "(Y/n). . .are you avoiding me?"


He knew that was the response he would have received but he questioned no more. Releasing her, he took some steps back then turned away, heading to his room. From now on he decided to ignore those feelings he had whenever she was near him for it was impossible to make her return those feelings.


(Y/n) tried concentrating on the board in front of the classroom but was distracted by the two cheerful persons chatting away next to her. She directed her head to Nana whose attention was all on the brown haired boy. Issac, was what she remembered him saying after delivering her lunch. He was also the same person that kept nagging her to become friends. But how did Nana went from running him from their table to talking and laughing so much as if they knew each other for a long time.

"Jealous?" A voice behind asked.

"No," She answered, turning her head back to her book. The girl giggled, "You are."

(Y/n) said nothing as she continued writing her notes from the board.

"We're all friends now; me, you, Nana and Issac, so I hope you get along with us soon."

The girl they met during the incident now hung around as Nana began to treat her as a sister. Being looked up in the dark classroom for so long and tortured had her unable to speak about certain things. She barely spoke to anyone and had a lot of mental breakdowns. But because of Nana's kind warmness and patience, she was slowly able to become a lot better than before. Now, she was able to speak out more.

Issac was a fun and nice guy and with a few more tries of visiting their table during lunch, Nana began to accept him. (Y/n) on the other hand had to deal with his boisterous laughter which she found quite annoying. The girl, whose name was Clair, was not much of a botheration and (Y/n) didn't mind her being around. But maybe she was being a bit too cold towards Issac.

She glanced at the smiling boy who took notice of her stare. He sent her a closed eye grin to which she ignored by averting her eyes. She stared at her book blankly.

Maybe. . .a few more friends wouldn't be so bad.


Zuri leaned on his car, arms folded, watching the sun begin to set as he waited for his friend to depart from the school building.

"Um, hello."

He directed his head to a raven haired boy that came up to greet him. Placing a smile on his lips Zuri replied with a returned greeting.

"Uh. . .I have something to tell you. I've always wanted to tell you this but I never get the chance to as you're always with someone. I-It's kind of embarrassing so that's why I would rather speak to you in private,  I-I hope you're not busy right now–"

"Go ahead," Zuri spoke, halting the boy in his ramble. "Tell me what you what to say."

A head of (h/c) hair appeared in the corner of Zuri's eyes. Turning his head to view the approaching figure, his friend stopped after seeing the fumbling boy. She turned into another direction, heading to one of the outside benches while continuing her game.

"I. . .I. . .I like you!" The boy blurted out, squeezing his eyes shut and flushing in embarrassment. Zuri's attention was brought back to the flustered boy. "So you want to go out with me?"

The boy nodded eagerly.

"Sure then."

Opening his eyes, his brown orbs widened in surprise. "R-Really?!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, we'll go wherever you want," Zuri smirked, taking boy's hand and intertwining their fingers as if to tease him. He glanced at (Y/n), her eyes only focused on the phone in front of her. His smirked slightly faltered. Releasing the boy's fingers, he turned around to open the car door.

"The person I'm waiting on is here so I'll be going now."

"O-Oh! Ok." The boy looked around the surrounding, eyes spotting the girl sitting on a bench. "I'll go then–oh wait, your number." He pulled out his phone, receiving Zuri's number before leaving.

Seeing as (Y/n)'s eyes were still stuck on the game, Zuri went over to her. "Are you going to stay here tonight?"

"Five more minutes."

He took a seat next to her. Waiting patiently, he watched as the sun was almost out of sight and ignored the warm fuzzy feeling he felt inside.

My Gay Boy Bestfriend [Yandere Male X FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now