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Nancy's Pov: After we dropped y/n off with Eddie we drove to the school. We make it to the school and run in. Max had a vision about a grandfather clock and showed us where she saw it.
"Fee and Chrissy, they both came to Miss Kelly for help. Uh, they both were having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. And then..then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. They'd wake up in a cold sweat. And then they started seeing things. Bad things. From their pasts. These visions, they just...they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually..everything ended." Max explained. "Vecnas curse," Robin says.
"Chrissy's headaches started a week ago. Fred's, six days ago. I've been having them for five days. I don't know how long I have. All I know is that, for Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. And I just saw that goddamn clock, so...looks like i'm going to die tomorrow." Max continued.
There was a clang outside the room. Steve tells us to stay here and grabs a lamp then checks it out. Not listening to him, we follow. We all scream but it was just Lucas.
"Dustin, i've been with Jason, Patrick, and Andy, and they've gone totally off the rails. They're trying to capture Eddie, and they think you know where he is. You're in terrible danger." Lucas explains to Dustin.
"All right, yeah, that definitely sucks, but we've got bigger problems than Jason right now," Dustin says looking back at Max.

Your Pov: Eddie and I have just been talking this whole time. He's been stress eating too. "What is going to happen to me?" Eddie asks. I don't look at him and say, I don't know. Eddie puts the food away and sighs. After sitting there for a bit, I can feel a set of eyes on me. I look to my left to see Eddie staring at me but when I look he doesn't look away. We made eye contact and I saw his eyes look down at my lips then back to my eyes. I look away blushing.
"Did i just make you blush, princess?" Eddie says, I look back over to him and he has a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes, no you didn't Eddie. "Oh really, then why can't you look me in my eyes?" I look him in the eyes, proving him that I can.
He moves closer and closer, the next thing I know it's like my body is taking over. I grab his face and kiss him. I pull away, regretting what I just did. What if i just ruined our friendship. Fuck, how could I be so stupid! Eddie grabs my face and kisses me. Before I know it, it's became a make out sesh and i'm on his lap.

He pulls away looking at me.
God she's so prefect, I might just love this her.

"Sweetheart? Would you um maybe wanna uh be my girlfriend?" Eddie asks. I look at him and smile. I kiss him. "I guess that answers my question," he says smiling and then kissing me.

Steve's Pov: We are in Nancy's basement and she gave us all a copy of what they found at the library. "Okay, be honest. Uh...do you guys understand any of this?" I say reading a copy. No. Pretty straightforward. Dustin says. Oh, straightforward really, i say looking up at Dustin.

"What's confusing to you? So far, everyone Vecna has cursed has died, except for this old Victor Creel dude Nancy found. He's the only known survivor. If anyone knows how to beat this curse, it's him." Dustin explains. Yeah, that's assuming he was cursed Henderson, which we don't even know. How can Vecna have existed in the 50's? It doesn't make sense.

"As far as we know, Eleven didn't create the Upside Down. She opened a gate to it. The Upside Down has probably been around for thousands of years. Millions. I wouldn't be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs." Dinosaurs? What are we--

"Okay, but if a gate didn't exist in the 50's, how did Vecna get through?" Lucas asked. 'Hows he getting through now?' And why now? And why then? Just pops out in the 50's, kills one family and he's like, "I'm good." And poof, he just disappears. Just...gone? Only to return 30 years later and start killing some random teens? No, I don't buy it. I sigh. Straightforward, my ass. You know, honestly, Henderson, a little humility now and then, it wouldn't hurt you.'

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