Chapter 24

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Morgan Smith

I and Ann were done with the cooking a few minutes ago, we dished out the food and Ann took the plates to the sitting room while I carried the juice, yogurts, and ice cream all on a tray.

"You still have to tell me how you felt when you first saw him," I told her when we settled to eat.

"You definitely aren't letting me off the hook that easy, uh?"

I shook my head no.

"Not until you tell me how you felt when you set your eyes on him. Was it magical like how I told you about my feelings for Ricardo or... just fill me in" I encouraged.

"Okay, when I entered the restaurant, I was looking around for he was seated then I saw a man who looked like the picture I saw on his profile waving at me so I walked towards him," she said and I nod for her to continue.

"I really can't explain how it felt because it has been so long since I felt something like that ignite in me. I can't say if it's how beautiful his emerald green eyes looked or how chiseled his jaw looked or his neat gelled blond hair, or his really cute smile... he is an attractive young man" she blushed.

I squealed as she told me all the feels and chills, she got just looking at him and laughed when she told me that she almost drooled with how much she was checking him out all through the time they talked.

She told me that she never gave any guy a second look for a long time and not because she hasn't met handsome and attractive men but because they never actually captured her attention as this Elvis guy did.

"So, you've finally found someone," I said to her and she blushed.

I am really glad for her, she looks so happy and I can see a glow in her, something I don't think I have seen in her since I met her. She does have her glow but it isn't like this.

I guess when you get the right person, there's this kind of glow you get that can never fade away.

"I didn't say he is the one, he just asked me out for another date and we will just see how things go between us," she said and tried to hide her face from me.

Her hair was in a low loose bun and it did little to hide her flushing face.

"Okay, okay but when do I get to meet him?"

Annabelle Dennis

"Oh, c'mon we just met and I don't know if we are going to end up having a relationship," I said and she nod her head but still had the grin she wore when I told her about Elvis.

She spent almost the entirety of our dinner teasing and asking me about Elvis and all details of how I felt and I made my cheeks flame up as I blushed profusely. She seems so eager to meet him but I don't want to rush things with anyone. A lot has happened in the past and I am so not rushing anywhere.

I'll take things easy, baby steps I'll take it.

"Okay, fine I get it" she surrendered.

"So, we're done discussing Elvis?" I asked and she thought for a while before answering me.

"Hmm... okay for now" she replied and I smiled.

At least we can shift to another topic that wouldn't put me in the spotlight or have my face flushing.

"So... Morgan," I say.

"Yes?" she lifts her head from staring at her rice to looking at me "I love this food you made" she compliments.

"Thank you" I replied with a smile "Can I teach you something?" I asked her.

I think I could slowly let her in on it and with time she would love to do it and be at peace even as she sleeps. She is improving from all the nightmares she gets but she just needs to learn to let go and forgive without expecting an apology.

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