Chapter 35

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Annabelle Dennis

The room was too quiet for my liking and it's not like we haven't had a serene ambiance before but it was too intense. Even when we were eating dinner, we just shared looks and smiles and that was all.

Morgan has been extraordinarily quiet since I told her about my past, that was something I have never disclosed to anyone aside from Pastor Ricard and now her. I felt that I should tell someone and she was someone that needed to hear my story because she is in a dark place and I was there so I hoped that it brought some light to her and she can finally let go and not make her sad.

I don't regret telling her about it but I am just worried about how quiet she got when I was done sharing with her.

Morgan has always been my baby since I decided to take her with me from that hospital, I have been so overprotective of her and never wanted any bad to come to her and will always do.

I could see the sadness her eyes held when I explained all that I have been through in my teens and about the baby I lost. It was hard for me to get over that but I was glad GOD gave me a chance to redeem myself and go according to the promises He has for me.

That is what I want people to see when I tell them about my story, they should thank GOD for my life and for the second chance I was given, they shouldn't be sad because He wipes the tears of those who weep and heals the brokenhearted.

GOD proved over and over again that I was never a lost case, to begin with and just because I messed up one time doesn't mean I can't get a second chance. Since I was sorry and was ready for a second chance, He gave them to me and I am so grateful to him.

He is great and greatly to be praised.

"Ann" I was snapped out of my reverie by Morgan's soft voice. I look up at her with a smile on my face and she returned it too.

"Yes, darling?" I answered her and she cleared her throat.

She did look like she was having trouble saying what she wanted to say "Everything is okay with you?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah, I am. I am definitely fine, I just uh... I... uh... I just... uhm," she shook her head and then cleared her throat again. "I wanted to ask if you could refer me to some Bible verses I can read tonight and what they can do for me," she asked.

This was what she felt reluctant to ask? I chuckled then placed my hand on hers that was on the table.

"Sure dear" I stood to my feet and signaled for her to follow me which she did. We walked up the stairs and I started talking to her about one of the greatest books in the Bible that also act as a daily guide to all your work and everything you do.

"The book of Proverbs?" she asked and I nod when we got upstairs and were now walking to my room "Why though?"

I stopped and she did so "It has helped me a lot in my walk with GOD and taking up the right decisions when I choose to listen," I say and chuckled "It has thirty-one chapters which you can take a chapter per day. It teaches you how to live a fulfilled life every day of your life" I explained to her.

"We all are humans and there are times when you'll get tempted to do things that would not, please GOD but reading the chapters will be a daily reminder for you not to go astray and keep you on track.

"Okay, so today is November 15th so I have to read the fifteenth chapter?"

"Yes, dear or you can freestyle for this month and then start the new month with the first chapter," I told her and she nods her head.

"Okay, okay" we entered my room and I grabbed my Bible as we sat crisscrossed, facing each other.

"So, as you read the book of Proverbs, you can also start reading from the first book in the Old Testament which is Genesis so that you get more in-depth of the word of GOD. It is like you taking out time to talk to GOD directly and knowing more about Him every time you do so" I explained to her.

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