Gamer/Anti-Venom Symbiote's True Form

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Scene: Marinette's bedroom
"Marinette is writing in her diary."
Marinette: Dear diary, guess what? I was two spots away from transforming back and revealing my true identity to Cat Noir, but my Darling Spider-boyfriend helped me escape and preserve my secret identity.
Tikki: Hey Marinette, weren't you meeting Alya back at school this afternoon to research your term paper?
Marinette: Oh no, I'm late! Again!
"Marinette puts her diary in her box, grabs her purse and goes to school."

Scene Change: Collège Françoise Dupont
"Suddenly, Marinette hears something from the Library."
Tikki: What's that noise?
Marinette: Hide, Tikki!
"In the Library, the students are playing Ultimate Mecha Strike III. Y/N and Max are playing while Alya records them."
Kim: Come on, Max.
Marinette: *sees Alya recording* What's going on, Alya? *Alya shushes her*
Rose: Try-outs for the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike III Tournament! This school sends the two students with the highest scores!
Kim: Actually, the tryouts offer a partner to team up with Max in the Tournament.
Marinette: Why Max?
Kim: 'Cause he's unbeatable! He's a total rocksord! He's got the highest APM over anyone!
Marinette: APM?
Kim: Actions per minute? This tournament is his whole life! He's been grinding all year to level up.
"Y/N's robot, NAD03, uses his special attack on Max's robot, MX-01. MX-01 is crushed and NAD03 wins."
Miss Bustier: Y/N is now in the lead.
Kim: What happened, Max?
Max: Hmm. Awesome job. We're gonna make a killer combo.
"Y/N high fives him and Marinette and the rest of their class are cheering for both of them."
Marinette: So let me get this straight. If someone manages to beat Max's score, they'll team up with Y/N at the tournament?
Kim: No one can beat Max. Or rather Max and Y/N. It's a slam dunk. They're our school's dream team!
"Alya takes Marinette by her hand and drags her to a book shelf."
Alya: I see where you're going with this, Little lady.
Marinette: Just imagine, teaming with Y/N!
Alya: Are you out of your mind, girl? This is about stepping up and representing! Not snuggling up and snogging! This is serious business!
Marinette: Seriously Alya, you think I'd actually go through with that?
Mr. Damocles: Well, I think we have our two champions lined up for the Paris tournament.
Marinette: Wait! Uh, Is it too late... to try out? *Kim and Rose gasp*
Mr. Damocles: Well, the library is closing up in five minutes, but...
Alya: Oh, boy...
"Marinette sits down and Y/N gives her his joypad."
Marinette: Y/N's joypad! Ohhh...! *rubs it on her face*
Kim: Is she serious? There's no way!
Alya: Unless the particular player has a particular motivation.
Max: The rules are elementary, You battle each other's robots with your own and...
Marinette: Please... Every time you win, you loot its items and gain XP, which upgrades your mech. I'm not a noob, thank you very much.
"A flashback of Marinette and her father playing the game is seen."
Max: Ah, sounds like you have a sufficient amount of knowledge. Let's see if it's enough to beat me.
Chloé: Seriously? How could anyone spend so much time in front of a screen?
Sabrina: I know, as if. *they start texting*
Y/N: *sweat drops at Chloé and Sabrina* 'Like you 2 are one to talk...'
"Marinette chooses LB-03, the ladybug robot, while Max chooses MX-01."
Kim: Come on, Max, you can do it!
"Marinette and Max start playing. The others see how Marinette is winning."
Marinette: And now, a quarter super plus heavy kick, and Flying Hyper Storm! Triple hit combo, Marinette style! Booyah! *Marinette wins the game* Woo! Yeah! Woo hoo! I win! Uh-huh!
Kim: Wha! I can't believe it! She... she beat him?
Alya: Beat him? She pulverized him!
Rose: The king's been knocked off his throne!
Max: I accept this defeat. I relinquish my position at the tournament. Congratulations, Marinette. And Y/N.
Y/N: Max, wait!
Kim: Oh, Max...
Max: Look. I'm fine, I lost fair and square. But if you don't mind, I'd like a little solitude.
Mr. Damocles: So, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Y/N L/N will represent Françoise Dupont High School at the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike III Tournament. Good luck to both of you.
Y/N: Well, I guess I'll be coming over to practice. With my new partner. See you later, Mari. 'Max, I'm sorry...'
Marinette: See... ya...
Alya: Now you gotta win and you're gonna be representing the school, not just hanging out with Y/N. Look, Girl, I know that he's your boyfriend and all, but come on!
Marinette: Oh, Y/N...
Alya: Oh, brother... *Alya facepalms*

The Web-Slinger Of Paris (Male Reader X Marinette/Ladybug)Where stories live. Discover now