The Collector/Spider Vs Best Friend's Father

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Scene: Fu's Massage Shop
"Master Fu is meditating with Wayzz beside him."
Wayzz: Master, are you okay?
Master Fu: She's here!
"Marinette knocks on the door and Wayzz flies off and hides inside the phonograph."
Master Fu: Hello, Ladybug!
Tikki: I know you never wanted me to bring her here again but... you must see what she's discovered. Show him, Marinette.
Marinette: I've been here; I've met you before. You're the healer that cured Tikki when she was sick! *Marinette has flashbacks of her meeting Master Fu* Soo... I'm guessing you're not really a vet?
Master Fu: Not really. That was your first day of school, that wasn't a chance meeting either. *Master Fu has flashbacks of Marinette helping him* Marinette, you're always ready to help others. I knew that day, that very moment, that you'd make a fantastic Ladybug!
Marinette: But, who are you?
"Master Fu stands up and guides Marinette to the phonograph and uses the code which unlocks access to the Miracle Box."
Tikki: Master Fu is the last known member of the Order of the Guardians!
Wayzz: *Wayzz gets out of the phonograph and starts talking to Marinette* Guardians of the Miraculous! I'm Wayzz, Master Fu's kwami. It's a pleasure to meet you, Marinette.
Marinette: Uhh, you too! *chuckles*
"Master Fu then senses someone else there as well as he then looks in front of Marinette and started talking."
Master Fu: I know that your here, I can sense your aura. So, stop hiding.
Marinette: *looking around* Huh? What are you talking about?
"Then, Y/N becomes visible as he surprised Marinette, Tikki, Wayzz and Master Fu at him suddenly appearing there as well."
Master Fu: *a little surprised, then he recomposed himself* Hello, Spider-Man.
Marinette: *to Y/N* D-Darling?! What are you doing here?!
Y/N: Well, I was on my way to your house to check on you after what just happened a few minutes ago when I saw you and Tikki going here. So, I went invisible and followed after you two. I'm sorry for snooping around.
Master Fu: It's quite all right, young man. I am Wang Fu, the last guardian of the Miraculouses.
Y/N: And I am Y/N L/N, you already know me by my other alias, Spider-Man.
Wayzz: It's nice to meet you, Spider-Man.
Y/N: It's nice to. Meet you as well, Wayzz.
Marinette: *to Master Fu* But, uh, what do guardians do?
Master Fu: We guardians are responsible for protecting and distributing the Miraculous, for the good of all humanity. We are chosen in childhood and trained for many years, specially for this mission. When we were much, much younger, we... *sighs* I made a mistake. The guardians' temple was destroyed, all because of me! Two of the Miraculous were lost that day. The Butterfly and the Peacock. Also gone forever was the ancient spellbook!
Marinette: But all it has are drawings of old superheroes and a bunch of strange symbols.
Master Fu: Not strange to a Guardian. Back in the days, I was never given the opportunity to even have a look at it, but I've been taught enough to be able to partially decipher the code.
*Marinette and Y/N looks at Tikki, then hands the Miraculous book to Master Fu* These pages contain various spells capable of giving Ladybug and Cat Noir special abilities we haven't known about, until now! Obviously, this book is invaluable.
Y/N: 'This book is very important and special, just like the Nano Gauntlet and the infinity stones. I better help them in keeping the Miraculouses safe.'

Scene Change: Adrien's Room
"Nathalie shows CCTV images of Adrien stealing the Miraculous book from Gabriel's safe."
Gabriel: Why did you take the book?
Adrien: I... I just wanted to know what you were hiding behind that portrait that was so important. You.. you never told me about those things. I was intending to give it back to you, I swear! But then... I lost it.
Gabriel: How can I possibly trust you again, Adrien?
Adrien: Sorry... I'll get you another copy.
Gabriel: It's one of a kind! The book's the source of my inspiration.
Adrien: I didn't know that. I hardly know anything about you, Father.
Gabriel: You won't be returning to school. You'll be home-schooled again...with Nathalie. Your girlfriend can visit you from time to time, but only on weekends.
"Adrien is disappointed. Nathalie looks at Adrien and Gabriel leaves the room."
Adrien: 'I'm sorry, Peni. Looks like we won't be able to see each other again for a while...'

The Web-Slinger Of Paris (Male Reader X Marinette/Ladybug)Where stories live. Discover now