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Mi young came to finish her homework along with me. She sat beside me and namjoon and mi-young was making an eye contact.

They kept smiling eachother and I chocked.

"Why are you guys doing that?" I asked them.

They just chuckled and shook their heads. "Nothing, let's do our best!" Mi young said as she stood up from the table. Then she walked outside.

"What's your relationship?" I asked namjoon who was sitting right next to me.

He looked at me and smiled. "She is my ever favourite student" he replied with a smile.

I felt like I was in love with him already because of his words so much more than how I used to feel before. This man has changed me!

"Can we talk about this later?" He asked.

"Yes, sure." I agreed and then he stood up too. We both left after that and went back inside the studying room where mi- young was waiting.

We all finished our homework but there were still one hour left until the end of the class.

So we decided to sit on the floor and start talking about the current events.

The conversation started off really well and it went smoothly. It was fun and interesting to see everyone's point of views.

After that, they played games to kill time as the clock slowly ticked forward.

Then time finally ran out and everyone left. But when I turned around, I saw namjoon standing there with a grin on his face as if he had something to say.

"You want to go somewhere else? To talk or maybe get some food?" He asked.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged and followed him outside. There was nowhere to eat here since the building was very old.

When we arrived at the corner, we could see a shop which sold coffee, sandwiches and other stuffs. "Let's have lunch there." He suggested.

So we took our things and went into the shop. The moment I stepped in, I smelled the aroma of the coffee and I couldn't wait to order one.

"What can I get for you today?" A girl behind the counter asked us. She seemed to be in her early twenties with long brown hair.

I pointed to the menu and made my choice. Then namjoon ordered a sandwich and two coffees. When we had our orders, she handed us our receipts.

After paying the bill, namjoon led me to the park nearby. He sat down on the bench while I sat beside him.

"Is this okay?" He asked.

"Of course!" I agreed and then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He opened the music app and started playing a song. It was really nice!

It made me think about my past and how everything happened. I was scared and confused by what was happening between me and namjoon.

  I feel like mi-young is stealing namjoon from me, which made me tear a bit. Namjoon looked at me and asked "why are u crying?" I was speechless "nothing,just the lyrics were" he pulled me towards him and I rested on his shoulder.

"Tell me what's bothering you?" He asked.

"Everything" I mumbled.

"Come on. Tell me what's the problem." He insisted.

I was almost ready to tell him but I guess I wasn't going to because of his attitude. "What makes you think that I'm going to tell you anything?" I told him.

"Because I know you better. You're the type of person who will share anything with me. Just tell me what's wrong." He pleaded.

He sounded like a desperate man begging for forgiveness. That made me smile a bit. I didn't want to make him sad again though.

"Alright, the thing is mi-young" I said. "Mi-young?? How??" He got confused. "Whenever you and mi-young gets interacted, it makes me jealous" I said.

"Come on, she's not a kitty that I can throw away, she's my student" he laughed. "Whatever" I walked away.

"Wait, I don't understand." He called me back. "How did I make you jealous?" He asked.

I stopped walking and faced him. "That's why I feel bad for being jealous. Because it was only because of you that I feel that way.

You made me think that you were falling for her  even though we are just friends." I explained.

"And you're saying that I'm the reason for your jealousy?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course!" I replied.

He sighed and put his head down. "I'm sorry if I've done something to upset you, y/nssi" he apologized.

I didn't know what to say. I was surprised by what he just said. I looked at him and he was looking at me too.

"Thank you" I said.

"No, thank you for trusting me" he said.

"Okay." I said as we both smiled at each other.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until he spoke again. "Let's go to school?".  I was feeling much better after telling him about mi-young.

Namjoon was driving with his car while I sat on the passenger seat beside him. The ride back to the school was quiet and peaceful.

When we arrived at the school, namjoon parked his car and we went inside. Everyone looked at us and they were whispering. I thought it was because we were late but it wasn't.

It was because of something that happened earlier. When we were walking to the classroom, mi-young was standing at the doorway.

She was talking to someone on her phone and she glanced at us. Her eyes widened when she saw that namjoon was in front of me. She immediately opened her mouth and said

"what the hell is happening here?"

I was shocked by what she did. 

"Hahhahahaha ..... You guys scared right??" She laughed. "You Little -" namjoon slapped her lightly and they started to laugh eachother.

I was angry and I was also hurt. I wanted to punch her in her face and take revenge for the words she said to me.

But namjoon held my hand so I didn't move. We continued walking until we reached the classroom.

I glared at mi-young and she pretended that she didn't notice me.

'How dare she talk about me like that!' I thought to myself.

"You're late!" The teacher yelled. I turned my face and saw that the class was already full.

"Sorry teacher!" I apologized.

"Just sit down!" He said as he walked passed us.

Namjoon was looking at me. I was scared to sit next to mi-young.

After class, namjoon and I went home together.

"Well, that was quite a scene just now wasn't it?" He joked with me.

"Yeah. Not my fav part of the day" I sighed.

"I'll make sure it happen anymore." He promised.

There were no more words between us, so we went home.

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