Bound, Rewound

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"What do you mean?!" Katsuki exclaimed.

"Like I said, I rewound him," Shigaraki said while holding up Izuku's wind.

Katsuki stared at it. "What does it do?"

"Usually, we wind him up once a month so he can go for the next 31 days," Shigaraki explained. "But if we wind him up more than once a month, this happens."

Katsuki looked around at the sea of bodies. "He... Izuku did this?"

Shigaraki nodded, smirking.

However, Katsuki wasn't finding this funny. "Why would you do this?! This is cruel! What did he do to deserve this?!"

"I'm not punishing him," Shigaraki said. "I'm punishing you."

Katsuki shook his head slowly. "No, no, no! How would this--?"

But then Katsuki realized: he was the one experiencing all of these emotions. Izuku was probably fine, but the thought that he did this was supposed to torture Katsuki. Shigaraki was probably used to seeing this much blood. But Katsuki was the only one hurting.

Shigaraki laughed at the expression on Katsuki's face. "Is it just hitting you?"

Katsuki hesitated. "Where... is Izuku?"

Shigaraki shrugged. "Find him. He's in this... sea, if you will."

Katsuki frantically looked around for Izuku. Even if he was dead, he would want to find his body, instead of it being lost.

He saw a bundle of green hair lying somewhere and ran over to it, stepping on and over the multitude of bodies. It was impossible to avoid them; they were everywhere.

Izuku was lying on the ground, wind broken, limbs torn off. But instead of there being blood, there were wires. Tiny sparks of electricity ran themselves along the wires. The wires, that connected his limbs and ran all the way up to his brain. Some of them were broken and ripped.

Katsuki brought his petrified gaze up to Izuku's face, where his eyes were open. Instead of the kind green pupils Katsuki was used to, they were replaced with white, an endless void of white. Static occasionally came across his eyes, like they were broken televisions. His mouth was open, and oil was leaking out.

Katsuki then examined Izuku's waist and stomach. The "skin" on his stomach was completely gone. His waist was covered in torn wires. You could see all of the wires inside of Izuku's stomach, too. And, around it all, was blood. A lot of it.

Katsuki held his broken boyfriend and sobbed one of those loud, screaming sobs.

Shigaraki, who was watching the whole thing, felt no remorse. He had experienced worse in his life.

He made his way towards them.

I kid you not, Before You Go was playing while I was writing the description of Izuku's bodily state. Damn.

Anyways, thanks so much for 200+ views! This story is growing and it makes me happy. :)

Alright, you awesome readers! I'll see you all later!


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