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"Y/n! Y/n, wake up!" (CHRISSY WAKE UP I DON'T LIKE THIS CHRIS--) I heard Loki's concerned voice and his hands wake me up. "Wha--" I slowly pulled the blankets off of me and brushed my hair out of my face. "Is it dinner already?" I asked. "No, we're being attacked, we need to go!" Loki panicked. Shit shit shit shit! If Loki was panicking this was never a good sign. "By who?!" I nearly yelled as he carried me through the winding halls. "The Dark Elves!" Loki cried. I knew who he meant. "They already killed my mother, we need to go to their world."
"Their world? Do you mean Svartalfheim?"
"Yes, love. My brother's significant other, Jane, has the Aether and they're after it."
"Oh, gods. Ok."
Loki took me down to the armory and dressed me in some armor over my nightgown. "I don't suppose you know how to use a sword?" He asked. "I do, actually. I took classes," I smiled. He tossed me a sword and I placed it in the sheath on the side of my armor. "Come on. Thor is waiting for us," Loki said. I grabbed his hand and we headed for where ever Thor was.
Jane and Thor was waiting for us patently. As soon as Jane caught sight of Loki she slapped him on the jaw. "That was for New York!" She hissed. Loki just smiled mischievously. "Hey!" I said, glaring at her. "I like her!" Loki responded, not being hurt at all. A brunette who Thor had introduced as Lady Sif, spat at Loki, "Betray him, and I'll kill you." I stepped in front of her, gripping my sword. "Don't think for a moment that he will, Sif." She smiled at me, impressed.
"That was awfully brave of you," Loki smiled. I shrugged. A heavy set bearded man began to say the same thing that Lady Sif did, but Loki interrupted, "You'll kill me. I get it." We ran for one of the ships, (we being another one of the warriors named Fandral, me, Loki, Thor, and Jane) and avoided the many guards that were coming after us.
Fandral followed along on a skiff and Loki held me the entire time on the ship. He also made it a point to comment on Thor's poor flying skills, at one point Jane fainted and he commented, "Oh dear, is she dead?" That made me very audibly laugh. Then, when Thor had enough of his sassy brother, he pushed him out. "Thor!!" I screamed, going out after him. Shit what am I doing?! I can't fly!! As I prepared for certain death I felt a tight pair of arms wrap around me. "That was quite amazing, darling," Loki smirked.
"Yeah. Thanks."
He was flying the skiff this time. I nearly was falling off this time with how swervy it was. "I see your time on Midgard has made you no less graceful," Fandral laughed. Loki rolled his eyes, but I could tell he wanted to laugh. He kept one hand on the controls and one hand on me. Not long after Thor came down with Jane. He placed Jane on the floor of the skiff, who was tired and I now felt quite sorry for her. Loki was heading straight for a skinny cliff. "Loki--"
"If it were easy everybody would do it."
Loki gripped my hand tighter as we zipped through the cliff like magic. We crashed through it, but not without Loki sarcastically saying, "Ta daa!" I rolled my eyes and smirked.
Then came the faintness. I collapsed in Loki's arms and gasped. Everything I could hear was in and out. "Brother, she's starting the transition," I heard Loki say.
"Now?! We're--"
"I know we are! Leave her on the skiff. She needs to be safe. For the sake of Mother she will not be harmed."
"Loki," I choked. (You do the Loki chokey and then you fake your death--) "I know, love, I know," he whispered. I saw Thor bring Jane out to the middle of the desolate wasteland we were in and Loki tucked the small, ragged blanket over me. "You just stay here, okay?" He asked, kissing me on the forehead. I weakly nodded and he smiled. "I love you," he said. I mouthed I love you too and Loki smiled back. "I know. I have to go. I'll be back, I promise."

The God Who Fell to Earth (Loki xfemreader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now