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"Hello, If you're reading this... You are one of my last loves...

     My name is Jungguk, but probably you know that hehe. I am writing this letter to remember. I want to remember all the happy or sad memories I've had in my past six lives. Or should I say seven? Most likely, if you read this, I have already consumed the seventh life I had, and now it is my turn to rest. Compared to the other six lives I've lived, I was ready now. That's why I gave you this letter in advance and told you to open it now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made you wait, I'm sorry that even in this life I couldn't make you happy, I tried, you know. Fate is sometimes cruel and I haven't had a good one. I'm sorry I knew how I would end up, and you didn't.

I don't want you to isolate yourself the way I know you would. I know this situation was sudden and you didn't expect it, but please try not to isolate yourself from anyone, especially the boys. Even if you don't remember, I've known you for more than two years when we were together. That life ... I can't say I miss it, but I don't want to forget it either. Not anymore.

You don't remember, but we first met in a canteen. I know, a weird place for a first meeting. I was twenty-something, I don't remember for sure, but I know I was young, and you were a few years older than me. That was when the war began, the first world war to be exact. I was scared, and to be honest we were all scared. We had to be trained to be able to go to the front and fight, to defend our country. I admit I wasn't the best soldier there, but there were others who were worse than me. A general, I don't remember his name, had something with me. I don't know why, but he always said offensive things to me and loved to make my day a living hell. That was until you showed up and defended me.

I'm glad we're not in the same situation now, I'm glad we've become stronger and more ambitious than before, as I promised you.

I always wondered ... Why me? When I died, I died a few minutes before you. Why did you not reincarnate just like me? Why not sooner? Maybe we had a chance to spend more time together like that. I know it's not your fault, but I wish I had spent all my lives with you.

I remember those times, in my other lives, when I looked at the sky and prayed that one of you would reincarnate earlier. It doesn't matter now, does it? Now that I've wasted my last life, it doesn't matter if you reincarnate earlier or not, I won't be.

The memories of the life spent with you are vague, I don't remember much. cannons, weapons, noisy sounds ... all of this fills my mind when I think about this period in my life. I don't think I said it then, I probably didn't have time to tell you, and if I told you, you probably didn't hear it because of the loud screams and noises in the background.

I love you, and I will always love you, Namjoon.

- Your love, Jungkook"

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