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"Hello, If you're reading this... You are one of my last loves...

My name is Jungguk, but probably you know that hehe. I am writing this letter to remember. I want to remember all the happy or sad memories I've had in my past six lives. Or should I say seven? Most likely, if you read this, I have already consumed the seventh life I had, and now it is my turn to rest. Compared to the other six lives I've lived, I was ready now. That's why I gave you this letter in advance and told you to open it now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made you wait, I'm sorry that even in this life I couldn't make you happy, I tried, you know. Fate is sometimes cruel and I haven't had a good one. I'm sorry I knew how I would end up, and you didn't.

This is already the fourth letter I'm writing with this beginning, I'm kind of tired of repeating the same thing. However, I do, because that is the only thing your letters have in common. That and the fact that I tell you small fragments of our former life spent together, which you do not remember.

Should I go straight to the point? I know you don't like to wait, and I don't want to dwell on this letter either, because I still have a lot to do. Your dad jokes weren't funny in the past either, you know ... and they still aren't. But somehow, I always put a smile on my face whenever I have a bad day. I hope you continue to do this, even if I am no longer with you. I'm counting on you to hold the other guys with your head on your shoulders, trying to get over it.

Don't forget me in the meantime, okay?

I remember how we met. At that time you were a poet, and yesterday I was a coffee maniac, so I accidentally spilled all the coffee I had paid over your white shirt. As far as I can remember, I offered to pay you, and from there, with your beauty, you conquered me and made me fall in love with you ... It all ended late, and compared to the other dead which I had, the one in the life spent with you was the most okay of all. It's true, it was scary, especially since I knew I wouldn't have a chance to see you again. I didn't even get a chance to call you, to hear your voice in the last moments of my life.

I know I've told you this many times in this life, but I don't think I've expressed it enough in the other life, so I feel the need to make up for it.

I love you. I love you, even if I don't know how to express myself as well as you can, or could last years on paper. I'm glad I spilled that coffee on you then and I'm glad I had the opportunity to join the BigHit company, so I could meet you again.

- Your love, Jungkook"

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