Chapter 1

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Omg— just piss off ffs—

-Yaeko POV
I was running late for school. On my first day. Good job Ko. The teachers are going to love you.

-Second person POV

The odd looking girl ran through the unfamiliar corridors of her new school. She was supposed to be at the principals office at 7.55. But of course it was 8.00 already and the lessons starts at 8.10. She didn't know where her classroom was, nor what lessons she had anyway.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. That's what she thought. She didn't even know where the office was. Asking wasn't an option. Unnecessary talking must be avoided at all costs.

The stares she got because of her looks were already enough to make the girl uncomfortable. But who wouldn't stare? She wasn't just foreign. Her hair was pearl white. Not because she dyed it that color, but because she was born with it. Back in Russia, people admired the beauty of it. But since the day she sat foot in Korea, people give her stares and bully her for it. She wanted to dye it, but her mother always loved it so that wasn't an option.

As the foreign girl reached the office, it was 8.03. Panting, she opened the door. „Good morning. Please forgive me for being late..", were the words she rather quietly spoke. What seemed to be the principal looked at her through... sunglasses. She didn't question it any longer and waited for an answer.

He seemed to think for a moment but the smiled a bit. „Did you get lost on the way?", he asked cheerfully. Not knowing were he got that positive energy, the girl decided to nod awkwardly since it seemed to be the easiest way to excuse the situation.

After the white haired principal gave her her schedule and everything was explained to her the door swung open. Everything the teenage girl saw after that was... pink. She nearly choked on her own spit. The pink that had just infiltrated the room started talking after a second. „Oh well well... you, my darling, must be my new student?" Still a bit taking aback, the white head responded: „Uh— yea... I guess so." „Wonderful! Yaeko Baek it is then?" She nodded silently. „Very good! I'll take you to your new home room then!"

He flashed a smile and a thumbs up in the direction of the principal and turned around to walk away. What is this school... seriously... Is all the girl had to say to this. Rin quickly followed after him, not wanting to run around like she was being chased by a bunch of ginormous tarantulas again.

The pink stopped in front of a door and stopped himself as he had already laid and on the door. „I am Mister Nam by the way!" Yaeko just swallowed and nodded. He flashed a smile and opened the wooden door.

As Mr. Nam entered the room in front of her, her stomach turned. Over the years you stop caring about what people think, but Yaeko still gets nervous every time she has to step in front of new people.

She tried to push the nervousness away and waited for the teacher to give her a sign to come in.

„To start the lesson, I have something to announce. As some of you may know, a new student is joining us today. Please be nice and welcome them. Please introduce yourself!" Mr. Name flashed the young girl an encouraging smile as she stepped into the class.

Everyone's eyes were on Ko but as she stood there, her nervousness was gone. She realized, whatever she was going to say, it wouldn't change much. „Hi. My name is Yaeko Baek. I am 17 years old and I like art and music.", was all she coldly said.

Immediately someone rose their hand. Mr. Nam called out the students name to give her permission to talk. „What's with your hair if I may ask? We're not allowed to dye it here you know?" Ko's face twitched in annoyance but before she could say anything Mr. Nam explained that it wasn't dyed. „Any other questions?" Some other students raised their hands.

Ko just wanted to take a seat but so what... right? Mr. Nam called a girl named „Shelly". She seemed foreign aswell. „Where are you from?" The girl took a short breath and answered: „I'm half russian, half korean." „Have you been to russia yet?" Ko nodded. Someone interrupted: „So you can speak russian?" She nodded again. „Woah! Can you say something in Russian?" She rolled her eyes and looked for the source of the question. A guy with a bandaid under his nose... He looks dumb. „заткнись или я засуну это тупое лицо в твой стол (Zatknis' ili ya zasunu etc tupoye litso v tvoy stol= shut up or I'll shove that dumb face into your desk)." His eyes widend. „That sounded so cool, what did you say?!" She was done with this already. „It means ‚nice to meet you, i hope we get along well'"

Mr. Nam then tells her to take a seat. Ko spotted an empty desk in the back next to the window. Perfect. As she makes her way there she looks at the blonde foreign girl... What was her name again? Sally? Skady?... Whatever... The ravenette next to her looked... bored. Not interested. Like absolutely not giving a damn. Hating everyone. I like this one. If he had some passion in those eyes.... I could paint him... but he looks so mute. No story to be found behind those eyes. She sat down while still being caught up in her own thoughts. Not listening to the teacher, she also didn't notice that they had a short break now. Ko only snapped out of it because of someone smacking their hand on her notebook which she was just scribbling in. She jumped a bit and looked up. Meeting dark eyes and reddish hair. Huh?

Preparing for an unnecessary comment she kept her poker face. „Hi! I'm Minu yoon. Who might you be, pretty one?" He's picking on me, isn't he? „Yaeko Baek, you may leave me the fuck alone now." He looked a bit shocked at first but grinned again quickly. „Wowow no need to be so defensive. But the feisty ones are the best after all right?" Someone interrupted. It was a girl that looked quite similar to him. „Minu... how about not instantly pissing her off huh?" „What?! I didn't even say anything to piss her off!" The short haired girl shot him a glare. He only gave a small tch in her direction and a wink in Ko's.

„Sorry for him... My name is Yuna Yoon. Pleased to meet you!" She seemed honest and her smile felt kind. „It's fine." Was all she replied. „Well, do you want me to introduce you to my other friends?" Yaeko really didn't want to. So she was about to decline as a voice called out for Yuna: „Come on Yuna! Introduce us!" It was dumb-face. He literally pleaded. Ko deadpanned. Yuna rolled her eyes but smiled at the girl in front of her and gestured her to follow her. The urge to just stay in her seat— but she stood up. Don't wanna look mean, do we now?

Yaeko followed the girl as she walked over to the bored boy from before. Dumb-face was also there. This was an interesting group. She could already tell.

„Ahh! The pretty lady that speak Russian!" Dumb-face blurted out. „Keep it down Dom. You're making her uncomfortable." it was the pretty but boring boy who scolded him in a monotonous tone. The blonde spoke up: „You actually took a stand for her? You kidding me?" He didn't respond.

Yuna sweat dropped. Uncomfortableeee... „Haha... Well the dumb-looking one is Dom. This is Jay. The blonde girl is Shelly. The girl with the bangs is Mia and my brother already introduced himself..." Her brother... probaly twins.

„Nice to meet you..." Was all she muttered out. „You sure aren't one to talk much huh?" Shelly asked. Yaeko shrugged. „You said you like art. So you can draw? Or music, can you play something?" Her words seemed harsh but also interested. Ko didn't mind the tone tho. „I draw, if its good depends on what you like. And I can play the piano a bit, but I focus on art." „Can I see?" Yaeko thought for a moment. „Maybe some other time..." Shellys eyes were burning into hers, but Ko didn't flinch. Her gaze was just as intense.

„Do you do sports?", someone suddenly interrupted. It was Dumb-Dom. Yaeko nodded. „What do you do?" „I cycle." Everyone's eyes seemed to lit up. The girl sweat dropped. „We cycle as well... You could come with us. We're also participating at the league of street!" It was Mino... Minu? Whatever. She didn't want to join anyways. She has work to do.

„Nahh... rather not." „Aww come on. It's not bad if you can't keep up! I'll wait for you!" Ko's eyes went dark and she glared at him. „Oh trust me, I would leave you all in the dust." Minu shuddered at her words. Shelly spoke up: „Well join us then." „As I said: rather not. I have stuff to do." She huffed. „You scared?" Ko felt provoked. Her mother thought her cycling so it was something that got to her. If someone didn't like her art it didn't matter but this... A tch escaped her. „Fine. I'm up for it."

Shelly gave her number to Yaeko and said she'd text her when and where.

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