Chapter 3

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Who's watching who's ass now?

-Second person POV

Shelly and Yaeko were next to eachother while some guy named June cycled next to Minu. Jay and Vinny were battling at the front already. Dom was in the back

Halfway through it was clear to Ko that Jay and Vinny were lunatics, like her. Shelly seemed to be more of a supporter while Minu didn't seem to be at his best. June was good at uphills and serves well as a slipstream. Dom seemed to be sprinter of some sort. The whole time she observed what they were doing.

The silverish white haired girl decided it was time to show off a bit and test them. She hit the pedals faster and harder. Just more intense than before. She rushed past June and quickly found place next to Minu who was with Shelly by now while she stayed back with June. The dark haired boy behind her yelped as she speeded up.

Shelly gave a tch as Yaeko passed her aswell. The blonde started pedaling harder to keep up. Ko grinned to herself and got even faster, leaving the foreign girl in the dust. Loud enough Ko yelled: „Who's watching who's ass now?" . She looked back at Shelly just to see her bitter expression. Jays and Vinny's attention focused on her as they realized something was up. As the girl looked at them a certain look took the place of the else always monotonous expression.

It send shivers down the spine of the boys. They started pedaling harder but Yaeko was already at their backs. She pushed next to Jay and his eyes widened. They all sped up, despite a corner coming up. It was a slim alley already. Yaeko knew this. She wanted to see just how crazy these guys were. A few meters infront of the corner she sped up even More. A wooden plank was right there. She would take the wall.

As Yaeko raced and seemed to run into the wall, the guys seemed worried, but trusted that she was smart enough. They started their own cornering. Ko rushed up the plank and against the wall, loosing as less speed as possible.

Landing infront of them she pedaled like crazy again. Dom who was just behind June was speechless. „Don't tell me she's another of those suicidal maniacs!" The others just swallowed. Dom sweatdropped since that was enough of an answer.

Jay and Vinny tried catching up to her as hard as they could, but this was the final straight path. No tricks would help them. So the ending was clear. Yaeko wins. Flawlessly.

As everyone had arrived and was panting, Yaeko was satisfied. „You're hella fast, you lunatic!" Was the first thing Dom yelled out. The teen girl just shrugged. „Maybe you want to join our crew huh?" Minu asked the girl. „Rather not, thanks." Was all she commented.

Suddenly Vinny came up to her. „Oi. I want to race with you again." She looked at him confused. „Why?" „Me too." Jay interrupted. The girl deadpanned at them. „No." She stated. „At least come to our race tomorrow!" Dom pleaded. Ko just rolled her eyes in response and shook her head ‚no'. „Oh come one!" Minu tried to convince her once more.

An Idea came to her mind. She turned to look at Jay and Vinny. „I'll come. If you two agree to be my muse's."

Everyone looked at her dumbfounded. „What?" Shelly asked her. Ko ignored her. Jay and Vinny both looked surprised and had a slight blush on their face. A challenging look on her face, she asked again. „Be my muse's, I come."

„Just say yes guys. It's actually cool to be a muse isn't it?" Dom said into the silence. Jay swallowed before he answered. „Alright..." A satisfied look took place on her face. Yaeko then glanced at Vinny. A tch escaped his lips as he looked to the ground.

„Ffs. Fine." A small grin found its way to Ko's face. „Nice. Give me your numbers so I can text you when and where."

Both boys gave their numbers to the pale girl. „Okay guys. We headin home?" Minu asked his friends. „You're finally going home?" Vinny asked, kinda excited. „Nahh. Your home." Minu smirked. Vinny's features changed to a pissed expression. He looked at Jay who shrugged.

„You deal with your problems... I'm heading home." Shelly announced as she yawned and grabbed her bike. „Bye jayyy." She whistled while leaving.

„Is she your girlfriend?" Yaeko asked. Jay looked a bit annoyed. „Nah." „Tss what?" Ko asked. „She's a goddess." She argued. Dom immediately agreed. „He's just a eunuch. God." The girl huffed.

„Okay but we're sleeping at Vinny's, right?" Minu asked again. Ko wondered what all this was about. „Find a home! You too Jay!" Vinny yelled at them. „What's up with you guys?" The clueless girl asked them. „Jay and Minu ran away from home. Now they're sleeping at my place like seven days a week. And they don't even pay rent!" Vinny complained about the two boys. „My moms home tonight so sleep somewhere else! I'm short on money anyway so piss off." hearing those words from the red head triggered something inside the girl. short on money. It was a fear of the girl since it broke her family.

Getting over herself, she spoke up. The others also realized her change of mood and went quite. „You can eat and sleep over at my place tonight. If he's short on money, you shouldn't do that." She stated coldly. They swallowed At the last part. The boys could tell she wasn't happy about that fact, even if she never seemed to care about anything the whole time.

Minu and Jay agreed. They felt kind of guilty. „Vinny you can come too. I'm cooking." She exclaimed. „Don't treat me like a straying animal." He argued but her eyes told him to just shut it. He swallowed and looked at his feet. „But I'll come. Thanks..." The last part was so quite that Ko thought only she heard it.

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