Chapter 12

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Idk... We'll see I guess...

-Second person POV

Yaeko woke up with a slights pounding in her head. A hand on her waist. A Body against hers. The girls blue eyes shot open as she realized who it was. Jay. What happened last night?

Memories suddenly came back. The two nearly shared a kiss, as they realized they were totally gone and shouldn't do stuff like that...

They didn't make it to another location except the girls bed afterwards. Ko carefully took Jays hand off and went down to fetch something chewable. She would spend the day finishing her bike. Tomorrow was school again.

The girl was caught up in her thoughts as a voice drove her back to reality. „Morning..." A sleepy Jay greeted her. „Morning." The girl returned his greeting.

„You have something against headaches?" The boy sheepishly asked. She huffed amused and threw him a few pills she had taken as well. As she gave him a glass of water to swallow them while setting the table, the boy asked her a question which had bothered him since yesterday.

„Will you join team hummingbird?" He straight up asked. The girl shrugged. „Not sure." „But you said you wanted to compete again?"

„Yea, in terms of official competitions. The youth team let me go with the statement to call them whenever i feel like coming back." Ko said it like its nothing. The Korean youth team is world class. They aren't some amateurs come together for anyone. They recruite from all over the world.

„Aren't you too old?" Jay questioned. „I could technically go till I'm 18. But you're right." „So?" „The youth team is organized by bigger fish. They could get me up higher and give me really good training opportunities. If I impress them, they could be my sponsors of some sort."

Even if he didn't show it, Jay was impressed. He knew she had talent, but that she was this good was a surprise... The boy decided to just ignore his sudden new impression and ate the food the girl had served.

Jay stayed the whole day. The girl didn't mind as long as he broke nothing and left her alone while she was painting. Around 5.00 pm, she was done with the bike and let the purple paint dry.

She found Jay reading and shook her head. „Wanna go for a ride?" The slim girl suggested. The Boys attention shifted to her. „I guess..."

„Alright I'll just throw on some other clothes." Jay wanted to ask why but as he saw her shirt covered in paint, he closed his already open mouth again.

The girl put on some black biker shorts along with a black zip hoodie. It was oversized with a small print on the front and a big one on the back. She just wore a sports bra underneath. She got back down and Jay was already done. Ko grabbed a small backpack and threw the necessaries in. „Let's head out." She said.

The sky was cloudy and the vibe was rather dark. Yaeko appreciated it. Her Smokey eyes taking in the calming view. Another bonus was that the streets were empty.

Both of them got on their bikes and just cycled.

After a while they arrived at a park along a river. Ko leaned her bike against a railing along the river and enjoyed the silence. The wind blew through her hair. It was an aesthetic sight to be seen. The pale skin and silverish white hair as a contrast to the rather dark scene.

Jay put his phone away as Ko suddenly got a notification. She grabbed her phone and saw Jay head tagged her in something. She shot him a weird look but he just head his monotonous expression.

As she opened it, she was a bit taken a back. Jay head taken a picture of her and the scenery. The girl wanted to complain, but the picture was rather aesthetic.

She didn't get why he posted that, but she asked him to send it to her. While he was at it, she looked at his hashtags. #aesthetic #dayslikethese #beautiful

Was he a 50 year old dad? Whatever...

As she received the picture she posted it on her account as well. She didn't post anything till now. As she was at it, she made it her profile picture.

It was always rather quite around the two of them but it was rarely an uncomfortable silence. As they cycled next to eachother Ko asked Jay what he wanted to eat. „I don't know... you choose." „alright..."

They went to a new place and tried some special sounding dishes. Jay of course ate something with wasabi in it... Ko ignored it and ate her food. „Is it good?" Jay asked first. The girl nodded. „How's yours? Wasabi-man." „Wasabi-man? It's good..." He questioned her Choice of nickname but ignored it.

„Wanna try?" He offered her. „Nah... I'll pass this time." They ate in silence and enjoyed the food.

As they were done, they paid and left. „So, where do we go now?" The pretty girl asked. Jay just shrugged. „Well it's already 7 so we might as well head home." She suggested. He nodded. Tomorrow was school...

PLease read and answer :)
I hope you like the story so far!

I wanted to ask who you ship with Yaeko so far and if you have any requests for the following chapters! Have fun reading :)!

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