Chapter 2

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Who are you? Not my business tho

-Yeako's POV

I was just refilling the ink for my next client as my phone buzzed. I leaned back and reached for it. An unknown number and a message were visible. 9.00 pm at the ******park. -Shelly

It is 5.45 pm at the moment. I have plenty of time. The next client is the last for today and i can work on my current art project afterwards since there's no school tomorrow.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped a bit. It was Saem. My boss. „Wassup' KoKo." I sighed. „Everthing good. My last client should be here in like 15 minutes or sum." Saem hummed. „Want me to grab you a coffee?" I sighed and nodded. He patted my head. „Will do." He gave me a small smile.

I took a deep breath and looked at the design i prepared for my next client. It was giving yakuza-vibes. He said he only has 2h today so we have to do 2 sessions anyway... God, I hope it's not his first tattoo...

Just as I was done prepping, the door swung open again. „I have your coffee. A pump of milk and no sugar!" Saem announced cheerfully.

Thankful, I took the drink from him. „Thanks. I'll just go fetch my purse to pay you back, wait." „No need little one." I was about to talk back, but he had already left. Probably for his own client. A sigh escaped my lips. As I threw an eye at my watch I got up. 5.57 pm.

I waited at the entrance. The doorbell rang as someone entered and I lifted my gaze from my phone. A tall man with bleached white hair and a scar at his lip looked down at me. A guy with orange glasses next to him. The tall one was rather handsome in a way and the other wasn't ugly neither. But the tall one... he makes me want to paint him. Those dangerous eyes...

Snapping out of my thoughts I asked them who was getting the tattoo. „So, which one of you?" „Me..." the tall one spoke up. "Alright, please fill this out real quick-" "I already did that." He said and shoved some papers in my face. Suprised, I looked through the papers and realized it was complete.

Not questioning it any further I showed them the way. „So, I did this design. How do you like it?" I monotonously asked him while showing him my design. He looked at it for a bit and responded: „Yea, its what i imagined."

I nodded. „So you said you wanted it from your shoulder to your ribcage up front right?" This time he nodded. The man took off his tshirt. His trained torso was really something to look at, but i didn't bother any further. „Can you lay sideways please and lift your arm so i can put this there?" „Sure..." He did as told.

2h later i came to a stop. „Alright. It's 8.00 pm. You said you have to leave now." I stated as i wiped the paint of his skin. He hummed and I put foil over his fresh tattooed parts. „Alright. When do you want to come back?" „Tomorrow?" I shrugged „Sure. I would be free at 3.00 pm."
„Alright see you then."

He left with his friend after he put his shirt back on. I cleaned everything and said goodbye to Saem, then I made my way home. It luckily wasn't far. I changed quickly. I put on some black cargo. A neon orange belt and a black tank top. A wide black jacket on top and I was good to go. (Techwear kinda)

I petted my cat, Yuji. He has a leopard pattern. Love this kitty. My white snake- gojo and the black one- geto, were doing just fine aswell.

After I checked on them I picked up my keys, my phone and my wallet and stuffed it into my jacket.

I got my bike out from the garage. It was carbon and had some orange and purple details. My aunt bought it for me. I have two full of These, but im currently painting one...

So I made my way to the meeting spot.

8.57 pm. What a surprise, I wasn't late. I saw the others waiting... Walking over I pushed my bike along. Minu spotted me first. „Yaeko! You're here!" I deadpanned. „Yea... I said I would come so?" „Ahh, yea. Well this is Vinny by the way." He pointed behind himself. Red. Red hair. Fire red. One eye was red aswell. Made to be my muse. His aggressive expression...

„Hi." Was all he had to say. „Hi..." I replied. „We're waiting for jay... but you have a really nice bike..." „Ah... thanks." I felt Vinny's eyes on me. „You look good btw... dangerous but good." Minu smirked. I glared at him. He really never missed a chance to flirt with a girl.

Suddenly Dom's voice rang in my ears as he yelled. „JAY! OVERHERE!" „Gosh Dom, he's mute. Not blind" Was all Shelly commented on his outburst. Dom just pouted.

As Jay arrived Shelly immediately tried to get physical with him. The boy just ignored her. „So, which route are we taking?" Minu explained which way we would go. It was a long route through the buildings. Let's hope no one gets lost then...

Everyone got ready including me. Let's see how this goes... „And.... Go!" Minu shouted. I started pedaling but not too fast. It was still a long way to go.

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