Chapter 10

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                                                                                                        Ahh... haha... yea, i forgot...

-Second person POV

„How come you think that?" She shot back a question instead of answering his first. „You're talent, combined with the unique looks. Also you don't look very strong or like you have much stamina. I remember the news saying something about it being a big bonus that you somehow store a lot of strength in those slim limbs of yours..."

The girl swallowed hard. „So what." She just hissed and turned to leave. „Wait!" He exclaimed. She stopped and turned back. „Train hard. I want to race you again." It was a challenge. Definitely.

Her eyes darkened and she nodded. Monster left as the boys looked at her, shocked. Dom wanted to say something as Minu and Shelly walked up to them. „The hell Yaeko!" Minu yelled at her. A sort of anger in his voice. All of them were a bit surprised by his sudden outburst.

„You were this good and didn't have any intention to be a sprinter or do a job like Vinny's?! Are you serious?" Ko stayed monotonous. „This is your race." „Oh is it? Now its yours too i suppose!" „you heard?" June asked. „Yea of course! She was the Baek from back then. Why didn't you tell us?"

„It's in the past and not important." The white haired girl stated. „Oh come on!" „I uhh.. forgot?" She tried again. A tch was all Minu had to say. „No need to be angry." Shelly tried to calm the raging boy. He sighed. „Fine, whatever."

Yaeko wanted to take her leave as Shelly started walking and the others followed but Jay stopped her. „Can I... sleep at yours again?" He sheepishly asked. Cute... Uhh— „Uhm, sure." She just shrugged. „About the muse thing..." he started has the others walked in front of them. „Hm? Oh that, i just thought you would say no and I wouldn't have to come." She bluntly admitted.

The handsome boy deadpanned. „Oh." The girl chuckled. The others came to a halt. „Let's get food, shall we?" Minu suggested. „I still have stuff to do. Sorry." Yaeko denied. „Aww man." Dom whined. „But I'm in!" Shelly looked at the guy with his mood swings and stated that they could count her in aswell. June also joined in while Vinny declined, saying he had to go see his mom. They looked at Jay.

„Uhh no. I'll go." He said.

The group went the other way while Yaeko and jay cycled in the direction of her apartment. Vinny had to go the same direction as the others, they went downtown.

As they were nearly there someone got in their range of vision. The silhouettes were familiar. It was a overly tall grown male and a few meters away a shorter one who glasses were even visible in the dim lit alley. Ko gave Jay a sign to stop. She got of her bicycle and walked towards them.

The man who she guessed to be Joker seemed to be fighting. She slowed down as she realized, then sped up. As she could see the scenery clearer, the girl could tell the fight was rather one sided. Joker took down about 7 people on his own. Without hesitation she got closer.

Wooin's voice was heard. „Our angel is here!" He exclaimed. Jokers head shot up. He looked at her, startled. She leaned her bike on a wall. Afterwards she stepped closer to Joker and looked at the poor men on the ground. „What did they do." She asked coldly. He didn't answer. „What did they do?" She asked again, this time with even more venom lingering in her voice.

He stayed quite. „You don't know huh?" She provoked. Jay was standing a few meters away, watching. The tall male clenched his jaw. This whole time she hadn't looked at him. Just at what he had done. „Who's mad dog are you huh? Wooin's probably... And wooin is the lapdog of who?"

Now also his fist clenched. Then she looked in his eyes. Dark eyes. Meeting his mad ones. It said more than enough. „Don't come to my studio ever again." She coldly warned him. „Phew, the angel can be quite cold huh?" He playfully said. But he was pissed at her words. What does she know, huh? Nothing.

„Too bad I already made an appointment.." He provoked. His yellow glasses shining. She glared at him. „Consider it canceled." Her voice lingered with venom. „Oh come on love. Don't be like that now, will you?" He was pissed. Not at her but also kinda at her. Her reaction.

„I don't deal with people like you." Her voice could have frozen her aunts lava temperature coffee. Joker finally said something. „Sorry... but this in none of your business. Let's forget it doll." Anger boiled up inside of her. „Forget it?" She looked at him. „Forget it?" Her voice got louder.

„You randomly beat people up because someone told you and say we should ‚forget it'? You got some nerve." She calmed herself. „please." The tall man actually said please.. Ko liked the idea of that. „Hmm. This once. Next time, I'll scrap my art of off your skin. Offensively."

Her tone made wooin and Joker shudder a bit. Joker nodded. „Want us to take you home, angel?" Wooin suggested. She shook her head. „Nah, Im already being taken." She declined. The slim girl gave Jay a sign to come out of the shadows as she got on her bike.

Joker felt envious of him. He glared at Jay and Jay send the look right back at him. Yaeko didn't mind it. Wooin whistled a sort of goodbye her way.

„That girl is scary of some sort." Wooin stated. Joker didn't respond. „Let's go." Was all Wooin got from him. Yaeko was on his mind. It scared him.

Jay followed after Ko. Not daring to question from where the hell she knew such guys. As they arrived at the apartment complex, she silently got off her bike. The handsome ravenette could tell she was pissed.

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