Strong Connection - Chapter 3

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You both pick up your phones and the person on the other side starts to speak, "meet US tomorrow at noon or else.." They hung up as soon as they finished speaking. The two of you stare at each other for a bit before Kami says, "who was that-" he cut himself off when he saw your face. "Y/N! Are you okay? What's wrong?" You could hear the worry and panic in his voice. "I-It was no one.. a-at least I don't think it was.." you pause before saying "besides! I'd rather keep hanging out with you!"

The next day

"It's almost noon and we don't even know who we're supposed to meet or where!" Kami said as he panicked.

"It's gonna be okay.. I might have an idea where we're supposed to go.."

"You do?"

"Yeah.. so follow me.."

You lead your boyfriend to this flower field where there were two tall and muscular guys standing.

"I see you two made it.." one said, "we've been waiting for a while now.."

You check the the time on your phone and it says it's 12:47.

"Shit." You said as one walks up to Denki and inspects him.

"Who's your little friend again?" He said confused.

"He's my boyfriend asshole!" Just then I got a text. I glance at my phone to see who it was. "Kirishima the Man" was the contact name. 'Damnit! I'll just have to ignore him for a minute' You thought to yourself.

The same guy backs away, just a little. "Ah! That's right!" He says as sarcastic as possible. "This is the little bitch you left me for!" He starts to get quite angry and annoyed.

Kaminari looks lost and confused. "What's going on again? And how do you two know each other?"

The guy walks up to Kami. "I'll tell you all about it when you wake up." He doesn't even give Kami a chance to speak before knocking him out.

"The hell are you gonna do this time?!" I'm clearly getting more worked up and looked as if I was gonna murder someone. "Answer me damn-" But before I could finish speaking, everything goes black.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I'm not sure when the next will come out though. But I do suggest you stayed toon and find out what happens next!

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