Strong Connection - Chapter 6

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Kirishima POV

'Now that we've been at Y/N's place for a while, I wonder if we should wake them up?'

"Shitty hair!"

"Wha! What what's going on!"

Bakugou points to Y/N. "That"

"KIRISHIMA! What the hell is going on!!!"

"Oh fuck.."

'This can't be good..' Bakugou thinks as he back away in a corner.

"Now now Y/N I can explain as long ad im living. Okay?"

"So I CAN kill you? Great!"

"Y/N! I can't believe you'd- wasn't Kaminari supposed to be with you? Where is he?"

"Oh uhhh.. out?" Y/N says nervously, meaning he's lying.

"Yeah! Where the hell in Pikachu? I swear to hell if-"


Time skip! (Cuz I don't want it to just be dialogue)


It's been a few hours since I've woken up and I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. I know who Kiri's friend is at least. Although, I don't know why they're here.

"So you're telling me that you're friends with an angry Pomeranian? And you're here looking for Kami?"

Bakugou grolws and Kirishima sighs. "I'm not a fucking Pomeranian! And shitty hair dragged me here because he was worri-" Kiri cuts home short.

"WE were super very worried about Kami!" Kiri forces out a fake laugh.

"Kirishima don't fucking lie to me. I doubt the Pomeranian could care about anyone. Anyways! You two got a place to stay?"

"Of course we- shit.. uuumm.."

I sighed. "So you DO need a place to stay?" Kiri looks at me as if he's begging me to let him stay. "Fiiiiine! But you gotta help me with something."

"Yay! Wait- with what?"

"Umm.. I'd rather not talk about it I'm front on a stranger.."

"Oh no."

Bakugou seems pissed about something like, more pissed than usual. He scoffs before talking again. "What the hell are you saying 'oh no' about shitty hair?"

"I-It's nothing for you to worry about." Kiri turns to look at me. "We can talk about it when he goes to sleep, okay?"

I nod then get up to get some sheets out of a small hall closet.

"You actually look worried bakubro. Everything okay?"

"I-I'm not worried! So shut it kir-shitty hair!"

"Oh. My. God. You ARE worried! For someone you don't even know!"

"Shut up!"

I return with the sheets, blankets, and extra pillows. "Okay! So I only have enough pillows for you each to have one and I have my bed and the couch. So who's sleep on the couch and who's sleeping on the floor?"

"Awww! Why can't I share the bed with you like old times?"

"Because we're not six anymore. Besides, i like me personal space!"

"You still have all of those plushies on your bed, don't you?"

"I will NEVER get rid of them!"

Me and Kiri laugh while Bakugou scoffs, again.

Time skip!

Still Y/N POV

A few hours pass and Bakugou is sleeping on the couch. It's 8:40! How is he sleeping already! Anyways, me and Kiri are in my room and I've told him everything that happened with kaminari. He hugs me and rubs my back to help calm me down.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. Why didn't you say something sooner? Is it cuz of Bakubro? I know he can be a little much but, he cares for his friends! He could help us if-"

"Kiri no. I-I wish I could let you two help but.. I can't. They'll take you guys too! I-I can't lose you Kiri. I-I just c-cant." I start sobbing again.

"Alright. But tomorrow we need to think of a plan to get Kaminari back. Ok?"

"Okay" I mumble then lay down in my bed with Kirishima and I go to sleep.

Thank you so much for reading! Also a little heads up, I have just moved and I'll be starting school again tomorrow so I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out. Actually, I'm not sure when ANY future chapters will be out, whoops. Anyways! If you got an idea on what will happen next, let me know! Because I don't have one! Bye!

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