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Griffinn's P.O.V

Well, me and Skyler have been going out for a week now I'm loving it. Harry's still acting suspensions though. I've brought it up a few times with him but he always had a different reason. I've talked to the other boys about it but they had no clue. I woke up today from the sound of hail pelting at my window. Great. Snow. And that means its my turn to shovel the drive way. I did not want to get ok of bed today, but I had to. I checked the time. What the!?! It was 5. Why am I up so early!? I sat up and throw on a tee-shirt and some sweat pants. I want over to my closet and grabbed my Olympic sweater. I walked down the stairs to the pantry and basically demolished a bowl of cereal and an apple. I put on my boots, took the shovel and started to clear up the drive way. Just then I realised it was my birthday. I was finally 18. It didn't feel any different but at the same time it was exciting to know that it was here.

As I finished up the last bit of the driveway that seemed endless, someone throw there arms around my neck. I knew it was Skyler. I took a huge shovel of snow, turned around and dumped it on her. She was angry but she was holding burst of laughter as she screamed from the chill of the snow going down her back. She turned to her side and made a snow ball out of it. Then launching right towards me. I dropped the shovel and started to throw some snow balls back at her. She took the shovel and started to whip the snow at me. I ran up to her and throw her down in the snow then got into a push up position over her.

"That's how you win a snow ball fight!" I exclaimed. She looked up at me and we stared into each others eyes for a few minutes. I started to lean in for a kiss but then she put a pile of snow In my face.

"What the hell was that?!"

"That was how you win a snow ball fight birthday boy!" She said while winking at me. I stood up the helped her up.

When I finished shovelling I came in and saw Liam an Niall standing at the door waiting for me.

"What's up?" I said taking off my boots and putting the shovel away.

"My sisters going to be staying with us for a few months, maybe years. I just want to Lear you know that if she gets hurt. You're all for blame.i trust you enough that you'll watch her when I'm not here. Got it?" Liam was saying sternly.

"Yeah. Got it. Anything else?"

"Yes. You woke me up with your snowball fight with Skyler." Niall said chuckling. I smilies back at him. I felt the my checks quickly heating up. I walked into my room only to see that Skyler was there waiting for me. She looked cold. I went over to her and threw my arms around her waste, pulling her up against me. She was getting warmer already. I let go and closed my door. I pulled of my sweat shirt and normal shirt. I searched my dresser for a different shirt. I found a black long sleeved shirt with turquoise strips. Before I slipped it on over my head I felt eyes staring at me. I turned around and caught Skyler watching me get change. She quickly turned a bright red.

"Enjoying the view?" I said with a wink. She started to giggle. Oh I loved that giggle so much. I turned back around and put my shirt on then putting a pair of jeans on.i grabbed some cologne and sprayed it on. I turned back around and looked at Skyler again. She was still cold. I grabbed my Olympic sweater and told her to put it on. She looked like she accomplished something.

I came down the stairs and saw that Harry was pacing

"What's bothering you, Hazza?" I asked. He jumped when I spoke.

"Nothing. Nothing." He answered.



"Something bothering you?"

"Um kinda. You see I met Liam's sister last year. Thing is I fancy her. A lot. Except this time I want to let her know but Liam would kill me if he found out. So I'm in panic right now." I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and started to drink it.

"If you show Liam that you'll treat her right, you'll live to see another day. Trust me on this one okay. Tell him and show him you'll do anything for her."

"Thanks. Also I have a birthday gift for you!" He said smiling. He rand to the pantry opened up the picnic basket and handed me the present. It was a new guitar pick and a new sweatshirt that was the same one I gave to Skyler.

"Thank you!" I said. He was still worried but a bit less than earlier.

I walked over to the living room only to see Louis had a nerd gun pointed straight at me. He was surrounded by pillows, blankets and a mattress.

"Don't move a muscle or a dart will be on you. This is my territory and I will win it back!" He said yelling at me. I knew what he meant about that. He was getting his revenge for the capture the flag match. I ran over to the couch and dove for the cushion. I used it as a shield as he shot the darts at me. Liam ran in the room to see what all the racket was. He was stuck by the tv trying to call for help. Louis cam down to his last dart when I ran to the fridge to pull out some whipped cream. I stuck it into my back pocket and pulled my shirt down over it so It was hidden. I ran back to my shield and waited for him to shot at me. I heard the dart fire. I ran over to Louis, pulled out the whipped cream and sprayed it all over his face. He took his finger, swiped it over his face and stuck it in his mouth.

"It's good but needs some more fruit he said then angrily stormed off from his feat. It takes more than that to prank me.

Niall came in and flicked in the telly.

"So, you want you preset?" He got all excited and was looking at me with his face light up.

"Sure. Surprise me." He bolted up to his room and came back down. He told me to close my eyes and put my hand on the couch. When he came in to the living room he put something warm and soft on my lap.

"Open your eyes now!" He said cheerfully.

"Niall James Horan! Why the hell did you get my a dog?!" I yelled.

"To give ya sunshine mate!"

"Thank you so much! His name will be Austin. Ozzie for short!"

"Well, I think Austin's already taking a large liking to you!" He said point to the Boston terrier sleeping on my lap.

A few hours had past and Liam said his sister was coming soon. As I was cooking lunch Skyler grasped me and turned me around.

"Yes my dear?" I said.

"What are you making for lunch?" Skyler asked. She was still in my sweat shirt.

"Grilled cheese" I told her. She was a bit excited.

"Can you make me some please?" She questioned with a puppy dog face.

"Yes I can. Am I getting the sweater back?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I like the smell of it. I might keep it!" She skipped away snickering. As I finished of the last sandwich I called everyone down. We all ate in silence. Waiting peacefully for our visitor. Finally at 2 we hear the door bell. Harry basically fell off hi chair and went into a full out sprint towards the door.

Harry's P.O.V

I wanted to be as subtle as possible so Liam wouldn't think anything. But, the way I went to the door, I think I blew any chance of that happening. I opened the door and there she was. My ray of sunshine!

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