Stitched up Broken Heart.

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I scanned the waiting are for Liam and Louis. Once I focused on them, chatting with Harry, I stood up and walked over. Once I stood before them Harry quickly rose with a tense jaw and clenched fists. He quickly sat when Louis pulled him down.

"Liam, I need to use your phone." I spoke softly.

"Can't you use yours?" He questioned me, raising an eyebrow.

"I, kinda, chucked it at a wall..." I said softer as I continued on. Liam nodded then reached into his pocket pulling out his phone. I opened the text messages and started to type aessage, sending it off to Niall.

'Niall, can you come to the hospital. I need you here. It's me, Griffinn.' Shortly after the phone vibrated

'Sure. I'm on my way. You need me to bring anything?-Niall'

'No. And don't bring Skyler. Have Zayn watch her!'


I handed Liam his phone back. I went back to my original seat and watched the entrance for Niall to come in. I turned my head back to glance at Harry. He was still angry, glaring at me bouncing his leg. Louis had whisspered something to Liam causeing him to stand up and walk over to me.

"You okay?" He questioned me.

"Liam! What the hell is going on?!" I completely ignored his question. I was furious and confused on why Harry had attacked me.

"Griffinn, he thinks you made Bridget like you. He thinks that you took her from him on purpose. She fancies you and he doesn't like that so much." He answered.

"So he attacked me! He thinks that's a perfectly fine reason to go and punch me!" I shouted, receiving a few people's attention.

"Hey! This isn't just his fault! You caught back. Do you even know how terrified Skyler was seeing you like that? You want her back after you pulled a stunt like that then you're gonna have to work damn hard for her to even remotely consider it." He finished then sitting down beside me.

My focus went back to the entrance when Niall walked in. I waved him down, signleing him to where I was. He walked over holding a bagel and bottled water. He handed me the water, looking at Liam telling him he could go back to Harry and Louis. Niall had taken Liam's seat then slightly turning his body to me.

"Why did you need me?" He asked.

"Remember the picture of my mom and dads wedding?" I began. He nodded in agreement

"Well, I throw it across my room having it shatter and tear." He looked at me, his face turning pale.

"Niall, that was my Only thing left of them" he took his free hand and put it on my back patting it, then bringing me in closer for a one handed hug, still paying my back.

"Your mom knew this day would come. She knew your anger would slide over your eyes, blinding you." He started with a bit of a chuckle at the end.

"She knew that you would eventuate do something g this stupid. That's why she gave me this." He continued reaching into his pocket. Before he could hand me anything a nurse called me and Harry in. The five of us stood,swiftly walking towards her. We received glares from the other patients, some shaking there heads.

The nurse told is to sit on the two beds the had set up for us. Once she left the room, Harry stood up once more, throwing a clenched fist to my face, starting my nose to bleed once more. Before he could punch me again, Louis and Liam held him back, pushing him over into his bed. The nurse walk back in with a tray of tools. Shit. Stitches. If only the could have stictched up my broken heart.

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