A Burden

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Legolas hated being blind. He couldn't see where he was going or what and who was around him. He always had to ask who was talking to him and he felt terrible about it. Most days he stayed in his and Elladan's room, sitting on the balcony and listened to the trees. Most days he ate breakfast and supper, only taking them in his room from Elladan. Most days he chose to stay out of the way and pretend that he would one day wake up with his sight, and this was a dream. But it wasn't a dream, and he had to accept that. It was like that for the first two months until Elladan had finally had enough. He took Legolas out every day. He made Legolas eat three meals a day. He made Legolas realize that he didn't need to wake up with his sight.

"No, Elladan," Legolas had said.

"And why not? All you do is sit in here and mope all day anyway!" Elladan had argued.

"I just don't want to."



"Because why?"

"It doesn't matter."

Elladan had cupped Legolas' face and replied, "It matters to me, meleth nin {my love}."

Legolas had sighed and murmured, "I'll just be a burden."

Elladan had taken him for walks around Rivendell every day for the next year. Legolas had memorized the whole place. He was no longer shutting himself in his room, and he knew everyone by voice. To any visitor, it looked as if he could see perfectly well. That is, until dinner when Elladan had to explain Legolas' plate to him.

Everything fell apart for Legolas again when Elladan and Elrohir went to Lorien to visit their grandparents - Celeborn and Galadriel - and sister. Legolas was lonely without his lover, and spent much of his personal time laying on Elladan's side of the bed and trying to be comforted by his lover's scent. He was more introverted during this time. Lord Glorfindel noticed, and he tried to help the young Wood Elf overcome his loneliness. But it all failed the night Elladan and Elrohir returned. They'd been gone for two months, and the whole house was buzzing with preparation for their welcoming celebration.

Legolas wanted to help set up for the party, but he kept bumping into things and other Elves. He kept trying to help others, but he kept getting politely turned down. He started to feel like he really was just in the way at the moment. He turned around to leave to his room when he ran into someone and sent them both sprawling on the floor. Legolas tried to get up but tripped over the other Elf's legs.  The other Elf stood and pulled Legolas up with him.

"I'm sorry!" Legolas said. "I didn't mean to knock you over."

"It's fine," Lord Erestor said.

"Heruamin Erestor! Amin hiraetha! {My Lord (familiar) Erestor! I'm sorry!}"

"It's fine, ernilin {my prince}. But I think you should return you your rooms. You're becoming a burden to the workers. Someone will come and get you for the celebration."

And with that, Erestor went on his way. Legolas felt a stab at his heart. He hurried back to his room and flopped down on Elladan's side of the bed, sobbing. He was just a burden. He would just stay out of the way.

Later that evening, Elladan and Elrohir rode through Rivendell's gates with their escort and were greeted by their father and the other lords. Elladan greeted his father and the lords first, but he was looking for someone specific. He didn't see Legolas anywhere, and he asked after the blonde.

"I sent someone to get him from his rooms," Erestor said. "Ah! Here she comes now."

Anmellia came over, curtsied, and then delivered her message, "He asks that you give him a moment to prepare."

Elladan nodded to her, "Thank you, Anmellia."

Anmellia curtsied and went on her way. Elladan tried to enjoy himself, but he noticed that the night was halfway gone and Legolas still hadn't come to the party yet. He went in search for his prince. He hurried up their rooms, fearing that something had happened.

In truth, Legolas was sitting on the balcony. He sat on the floor with his back against the railing, twirling one of his knives in his hand. He could hear the party below him, but he would be in the way - a burden - if he went down, so he didn't. That was how Elladan found him. As he saw Legolas, he hurried over to the door. He watched his beloved for a while before calling out to him.

"Legolas? Are you alright?"

Legolas' head shot up, "Elladan? Is that you?"

"Of course," Elladan said, kneeling in front of the blonde. "Who else would it be?"

Legolas shrugged and turned his face away, "I don't know."

Elladan frowned and touched Legolas' cheek. But Legolas pulled away.

"What's wrong, Legolas?"


"No, not 'nothing'. What happened? Why aren't you down at the party? I was hoping for a dance."

"I'd just be in the way."

Elladan felt like he'd been slapped in the face. They'd had this conversation before, and he thought he'd convinced Legolas that he wasn't in the way. But it looked like there needed to be some more convincing.

"You wouldn't —" Elladan tried.

"Yes I would!" Legolas interrupted, jumping to his feet. "Do you know what it's like? I can't even walk through the halls! Yes, I know where to go. But there are things that are put in the way! People move things, things fall on the floor, animals run through my legs. I cannot walk anywhere without tripping over something. I can feel the irritation of those who stop to help me up off the floor. I can tell that I'm in the way! I tried to help set up for the celebration but was sent back to our room because I was in the way!"

"Legolas, I -"

"Do you know what Erestor said? He said 'You're becoming a burden to the workers.' Elladan, even they think -"

Elladan stopped Legolas with a kiss.

"Legolas, you're not a burden to anyone here."

"No? Someone has had to stop their day's work every day to help me walk around without falling. Someone has had to sacrifice their time to make sure I am safe and protected. Someone has put their life on hold to babysit me. Elladan, I have even been a burden even to you." Legolas walked around his lover. "I think I'll just go to bed. You go and enjoy your party."

"I won't enjoy it if you're not there."

"No one else will enjoy it if I am."

Elladan felt a pain in his heart, "Since when did their opinions count?"

"Since I meddled with their time, with their lives."

With that, Legolas lay down in the bed and tried to sleep. Elladan returned to the celebration, but not necessarily for the party itself.


A/N Like the pic? It's how I think Legolas would be on the balcony, but with one of his knives instead of an arrow. I'm excited about the next chapter! I hope you are, too. Rumor is that Legolas might get healed.

Legolas: I'd better!

Yeah yeah. Okay Elf-boy. We'll see. See y'all next update! <3

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