Amin Mela Lle

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Frodo had finally destroyed the Ring, and Sauron was defeated. Gandalf was off to get Frodo and Sam off of Mount Doom, and Legolas, Gimli, and Estel were gathering the troops together.

Legolas was ready to drop dead. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally. He let his thoughts wander and found them resting on his mate. Elladan. He missed Elladan. He wanted to be at home with Elladan doing, well, whatever. He could care less! He just wanted to see his beloved's face again. Legolas felt emotion stirring in his heart. It took all he had to not choke on his tears.

But Estel quickly saw Legolas' distress. As the future King of Men made his way over to his Elven friend and brother-in-law, he saw Legolas sink to his knees and cover his face with his hands. Estel broke into a run, but only reached Legolas when the Elf was on his side, sobbing into the earth. Estel pulled Legolas into his arms and rocked the Elf slightly.

"What's wrong, Legolas?"

"I want to see E-Elladan again. I miss him so much!" Legolas choked out.

Estel held the Elf tighter until the blonde was calm. They waited for Gandalf and then marched back to Minas Tirith. When they arrived they sent Frodo and Sam to the healing rooms along with the wounded soldiers. But Legolas might have needed a mental ward. He was pacing his room or lying on the bed doing nothing over the past few days. When they finally started to rebuild the city, he was glad to help because it got his mind off of Elladan for a while. But once it was finished, Legolas was back to pacing until Estel said that Legolas should help plan the coronation. He did, but even that was done in a short amount of time and Legolas once again holed himself up in his room.

Finally, it was coronation day. As everyone filled the courtyard, Legolas was pleasantly surprised to see a group of Mirkwood Elves. Soon after, Legolas spotted the Imladris group. He nearly sobbed with relief. But he knew he had to remain calm and composed for the ceremony. He saw the twins and Arwen, and was so glad that he could see his family again.

As the ceremony progressed, Legolas was greeted by Estel and pointed his friend in the direction of Arwen - Estel's sweetheart. As Legolas watched them embrace and kiss, he wished he could do the same with Elladan. But he waited. Elrond was laughing, internally. He could plainly see Elladan's agitation at not being able to go and see Legolas, and he could sense Legolas' anxiety. He knew that he may not see either of them after the reception.

Later, at the celebration in the town square, Elladan and Legolas frantically searched for each other. They finally saw each other when the dancing stopped for supper. All the townsfolk were headed into the large tavern for the feast that was to be held there. As the square emptied, Elladan and Legolas ran to each other and embraced. Elladan sighed and smiled, just content to hold his beloved. But his bliss ended quickly when he realized that Legolas was crying. The blonde was sobbing into the half-Elf's shoulder. Elladan quickly sat down and held a weeping Legolas into his lap. He stroked the Wood Elf's hair until the blonde was able to calm himself.

"What's wrong, meleth {love}?" Elladan asked and pressed a kiss to Legolas' head.

"I missed you so much!" Legolas stuttered. Elladan chuckled lightly, earning a punch in the chest. "It's not funny!" Legolas reprimanded.

"I'm sorry, meleth {love}. I missed you, too. Now come on. They'll be expecting us in the tavern."

Legolas wrinkled his nose as they stood, "I do not care for ale."

Elladan laughed, pulling Legolas up, "Nor do I. But we must at least take part in the food." Legolas nodded as they began to walk, hand-in-hand, toward the tavern. "And Legolas?"


"Amin mela lle."

"Amin mela lle."

The End

HEY! I hope the ending wasn't too abrupt. I want to thank all of you that stuck with me read this crazy piece of work. I thought you might like a funny picture today, so I put up the one above. This is how I feel in my math class. ;P

Thank you, again, NolwenTurgon for being the first to comment on the last chapter

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