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"Shit," Kevin says

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"Shit," Kevin says. "Go, quickly."

"No," I whisper. "If we run we're just going to lead them back to our base, let's hide."

Kevin nods and the three of us make our way to the other side of the cave. We hear one of the boys come out and check left and right from the entrance, but then he disappears back inside.

We wait a bit before standing up and silently walking back.

"You could've gotten us all killed!" I say to Sunwoo once we're far away from the other base.

"You're so dramatic. It was only two people in there against the three of us, we could've won easily." Sunwoo shrugs.

"Won what?" Eric asks as we arrive at home base.

"Nothing." Kevin says.

"What was it?" Changmin asks.

"There's a base around a quarter mile from here, completely demolished." Kevin explains. "There were two in there from a different team, it seems like they took out the last guy we let go from the other night. But.... but the um, the news I-I mean the thing about the, the-"

"Spit it out will you?" Juyeon asks. "We don't have all day."

"They know about Soren." Kevin says.

"Already? That was fast, how did they even find out if we basically eliminated that whole team?" Eric asks.

"It only takes one," I say.

"That one we let get away," Changmin breathes.

"Because of this dramatic asshole," I point at Sunwoo.

"What happened to taking care of the team first?" Sunwoo snaps.

"That doesn't apply to those who were faking!" I argue.

"I was not faking. I was really stabbed!"

"No you were grazed"

"Want me to show you what a stabbing feels like?" Sunwoo raises his knife.

"Okay guys," Changmin says. "We're missing the point here. The point is that word will spread like wildfire, so we need to be on alert from here on out. Soren, I hate to tell you this but you can't go anywhere alone."

I nod.

"Great. Now do we have to take shifts with her?" Sunwoo rolls his eyes.

"No, she's fighting along side us stop acting like she's some collateral damage," Kevin nods towards him.

"I think we should stop doing so much defense. They might know what team number we are and what base we're at it's just a matter of time before teams swarm to do who knows what?" Juyeon says.

"I agree," Sunwoo says. "I'm not gonna wait here like some idiot to get ambushed,"

"Okay, fair decision," Changmin says. "Everyone good with that? Starting tomorrow we begin offensive plays. I think we should start with teams close to us, so that we're less likely to get attacked in our sleep because teams won't want to travel that length."

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