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I looked at both Mike and Dustin in front of me with a questioned look as they begged me to replace Lucas in their DnD club they were in. I still did not understand why I needed to replace Lucas as they had not explained that part yet.

"Why do I need to replace Lucas again", I ask questioning them As Dustin began to talk again answering my question. "Because of his basketball Championship  and apparently he can't miss that",Dustin says exaggerating the "apparently" as he rolls his eyes.

"Please Y/n, just sub for him this one time", Mike now asks with plead

"Ok, ok , ok I'll do It but you both owe me because i haven't played this game in a while so I'll be shit so I can't promise you anything great", I say letting out a sigh and standing up to grab my things for the next period of class.

"Oh my god yes thank you so much Y/n", Dustin says happily and gives me a quick hug before running off to his next class with Mike, As Mike says a thank you to me before walking off. I give him a small smile and nod before I walk off to class.

As class finishes the bell goes indicating it's the end of the day. I stand up slinging my bag over my shoulder making my way out the classroom, as soon as i walk out I'm crashed into Dustin and Mike who seemed to have been running towards me excited yet puffed out from running. I groan a little in pain as two teenage boys have crushed into me.

"One ow, Two you dipshits have to relax we'll make it too your DnD campaign", I Say rubbing my arm and grabbing them both by their shoulders and shoving them infront of me so they can begin walking leading the way. "Sorry Y/n we're just excited", Dustin says letting at a small chuckle, leading the way with Mike.
I shake my head playfully and let out a small laugh ruffling Dustin and Mike hair, after all they are like my little brothers.

we walk into room which I presumed is where they play DnD because the other hellfire club remembers were they and all quietened down as they all looked us. Until the one and only Eddie Munson began to speak. "Who is this boys", Eddie said standing up from his chair as he walked towards me never taking his eyes off me. I felt a wave of nervousness take over my body as I looked up at Eddie since he was taller then me.
"This is Y/n she's the sub for lucas", Dustin spoke a bit nervous on what Eddie was going to say next. I glance over at Dustin and Mike and they both give me reassuring looks, turning my gaze back at Eddie he moved a little closer to me looking down at me before he spoke again.

"You ever played DnD before sweetheart", Eddie spoke in a low but yet soft voice a small smirk played on his lips. I gulped a little since he made me feel a little intimidated, I won't lie he was very attractive and I could tell he was mischievous. I finally had some confidence to talk, "Yeah I have", still holding my ground not wanting to seem nervous as I was before. I could tell he knew he made me nervous and he liked it as his smirk turned even bigger.

"So what class and level are you sweetheart,Hopefully you won't suck", he let out a chuckle as so did his hellfire club buddies, as Dustin and Mike stood there anxious on what's going to happen next hoping Eddie wouldn't hate me. Now I felt way more  confident since I didn't feel like I want to be humiliated infront of everyone.
"My name is lady mistress of the dark a chaotic half elf rogue level 13 from what I can remember, it might have been a while since I've played but hey I might surpise you Munson", I say way more confident a small smirk now playing on my lips (A/n I have never played DnD so I apologise if anything of what I said is wrong).

Eddie's smirk dropped a little and he straightened his posture a bit before handing out his hand for me to take, his smirk returning. I took his hand and shook it feeling his cold rings againts my hands which sent shivers down my back, Then Eddie spoke. "Welcome to hellfire club sweetheart", He brought my hand up to his lips giving it a small kiss before letting my hand go and walking back towards his chair, presuming he is the game master. A small blush rose to my cheeks as I rolled my eyes playfully, taking a seat between Mike and Dustin.

looking up from the set up of the table before we began the campaign I see Eddie was looking right at me his playful smirk playing upon his lips and let out a small giggle and shake my head playfully. Soon after the Campaign began.

We are now halfway through the Campaign, Eddie explaining how vecna is not dead and for what we will do for our next move. " you are scared, you are tired, you are injured do you flee vecna and his cultists or do you stand your ground and fight", Eddie spoke lowly slowly standing up from his chair waiting on our responses.

Then Dustin speaks, "I say we fight to the death", Everyone in the group all start nodding agreeing to what Dustin says. "To the death", I say nodding and agreeing looking at Eddie with a smirk as he also smirks back at me. Now everyone started chanting to the death over and over again.

It started to get intense each round trying to defeat vecna and his cultists until we called a time out and we all huddled into a circle discussing our next move. "How many points do you and Y/n have left", Mike asks Dustin as Dustin and I respond at the same time saying 12. "that's risky as well but your the ones on the battle field so it's your call", Mike says now. Dustin then looks at me, "what do you say lady mistress of the dark", Dustin says.
"You really going to ask",I say looking at him with an obvious look.
"Screw it let's kill the son of a bitch", Dustin says with confidence in his voice as we all re grouped back to the table.

To say the least it was an intense campaign but we won well I won it by the last roll of the dice. Everyone cheered for me and Eddie smiled widely clapping showing that he was proud of me and I smiled, looking at Eddie my smile turning wider then before. Everyone began to leave and I started packing my things, Soon everyone left except for Eddie and I.

"I got to say Y/n you surprised me today",Eddie says smiling as he walked towards me. A small blush rose to my cheeks again as I stood up from packing my stuff giving Eddie a thankful smile. "thanks, but uh what happened to the whole sweetheart thing", I say letting out a small giggle as I rose my eyebrow in question.

"Oh would you like me to keep calling you sweetheart, Sweetheart", Eddie says smirking as he rested his hands on my waist. "i could get use to it", I say smiling up at him as I rested my hands on his shoulder and went on my tippy toes and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Eddie started to blush and smile like a fool before he began to speak again.

"You busy tonight", He asks as he pulls me closer to him by my waist. "No not at all munson", I says smiling up at him as my hands travel up to his hair as I play with it a little. "Perfect", Eddie says picking me up bridal style I let out a small giggle as i have my arms around his neck so I don't fall as he walks me to his van.
"You don't mind if you have a sleepover at my place", Eddie says now looking at me the smirk playing on his lips.
"No, no I don't mind at all",I say in a whisper my face close to his, leaning in a giving him a soft kiss as he returns it kissing me a little more.
Tonight's going to be fun.

(A/n helloo so my first Eddie imagine is written I hope you guys enjoyed this. Hopefully I'll be able to write one tmrw if I'm not to busy. Don't forget to vote :)

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