You Know Just Life....

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Tw: mention of drugs 

It was peaceful, the light wind brushed passed the  trees making the leaves rustle against each other at it brushed passed me making my hair move a little. i had my headphones on listening to tape of Metallica's album master of puppets, doodling in my small sketchbook enjoying the peace. soon after i felt a small tap on my shoulder which made me look up and turn my head seeing the one and only Eddie Munson.

"Hey there", Eddie says smiling and sitting across from on the picnic table i was sitting on as he placed his metal lunchbox which i knew what it contained, that's why i was here after waiting  here at the picnic table. "hey" i say giving a small smile as i take my headphones off my head. "So how much did you want again", Eddie asks me as he looks at me a bit questionable as he is about to sell weed to the girl who keeps to herself and talks to no one. "just half of what you normally sell", i say grabbing $20 from my pocket and sliding it over to him.

Eddie goes to give the small bag of weed until he pulls it away last minute leaving me a little confused. "I have a question Y/n", Eddie says as he stands up and paces slowly back and forth looking at me. "and your question is Munson?", i ask raising an eyebrow at him. "ive never seen you do anything bad heck even talk back at people your so... your so quiet and innocent", Eddie says as he stops pacing back and forth slowly as he looks at me almost a concerned look, His brown eyes bore into mine. I look away for a second before looking back at him.

"Oh you know just life...", i say letting out a small nervous chuckle. Eddie just looked at me waiting for me to continue. "Eddie can you please just give me the weed so i can just go home ok, today already sucked i need something to keep my mind off it ok", i say my voice breaking a little as i looked at him with sad eyes. his eyes reflected my sadness and he walks over to me slowly holding his hand out so i could take, confusion crosses my but i still take his hand as he helps me up. He gently wraps his arms around me pulling me close to his chest as he gives me a hug, i have never seen this side of Eddie but something in me broke and i started quietly sobbing into his chest as i hugged back. Eddie softly rubbed my back just holding me just comforting me, soon i started to calm down. Eddie pulled away from the hug a little as his hands landed on my face wiping the tears off my cheek as he looked at me. 

"sorry", i sniffle as i looked up at him. he shook his head gently before he began to softly speak, "there is nothing to be sorry about, want to come and hang out at my trailer my uncle is working night shift. we can eat a bunch of junk food, listen to music and whenever your ready talk about what's wrong if you want", Eddie said as he stumbled on some of his words, was he nervous asking i thought that is so cute i also thought again. I nodded yes smiling "i would love that Eddie thank you", i say smiling up at him then grabbing my bag before he held his hand out for me to take and we held hands while we walked to Eddie's van. 

I was now laying on Eddie's bed my feet up on the wall as i looked at Eddie upside down as he strummed his guitar he looked like he was in his element when he played. His fingers effortlessly moving while he played his face concentrated as he played and his hair perfectly sat on his shoulder. "your really good", i say still looking at him upside down a smile appearing on my lips. Eddie looked up away from his guitar and gave me a bright smile setting his guitar to the side as he walked over to me putting his hands either side of my face his face hovering over mine a little. "Hm why thank you", Eddie says smirking at me. "your very welcome Munson", i say smiling and patting his cheek softly before i sat up and smiling fading a little. "hey what's wrong", Eddie asks voice laced with concern as he sat next to me taking my hands in his.

"it was Jason his friends they were being a bunch of dicks and well they decided it was funny to push me and make drop everything oh and not mention the teacher called out on me to answer a question i didn't know the answer to which made me feel real shit about myself. Oh and again back to Jason he almost hit me with his car", my voice wavers as i play with Eddie's rings my head hanging low. 

"What assholes", Eddies says before lifting my chin up with his fingers so i can look at him. "Next time they mess with you, you come to me ok Y/n.", Eddie says softly his eyes showing how much he cared which made me feel safe. "ok i promise, thank you Eddie you really know how to make me feel like life doesn't fully suck" i say giving him a kiss on the cheek as he cheeks went bright red. "i care about you", Eddie says smiling before he tackled me into a hug on his bed taking me off guard as i let out a fit of giggles. "you are one of a kind Eddie Munson" i say looking into his eyes smiling. Eddie smiles Widley back at me before leaning in giving a soft kiss on the lips.

(A/n two imagines published in one day wow i surprised myself there, anyways hope you enjoyed this cute little Eddie imagine. Don't forget to vote :)

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