I Care About You

876 6 1

Tw: mention of blood

Max, Dustin and I burst through the video store that Steve and Robin worked at, As we were all stressed needing to find where eddie was. Robin and Steve gave us confused looks before they started asking us questions on what's going on. Dustin jumped over the counter needing to use the computer as Max and I went under it. "Woah woah Dude we just fixed up everything!!", Steve said annoyed at Dustin as he picked up everything the curly haird boy knocked off. " This is an emergency ok!", Dustin exclaims typing stuff in the computer.

"if you guys haven't relised it's a Saturday and we re very busy on Saturdays", Robin says irritated as well while she picked things up. "Can you guys tell them what's going on please", Dustin says as he looks at Max and I. Steve and Robin now look at us with confused yet worried looks before max and I began to tell them what's going on and how we need to find Eddie.

"So how do we find him them", Steve asks as he stacks more movies on the shelfs.
"I don't know that's why we're figuring it out now", I say looking through the log book of numbers of people who could possibly know Eddie.
"Guys I think i have lead", Max says now as he gets of the phone and hangs it up. We all look at her before she starts to speak again. "Apperently Eddie gets his drugs from some dealer called reefer rick".
"and how do we find this reefer rick", steve asks looking at us.
"Is that even his actual name", I ask after Steve asks his questions.
"I have no clue and I don't think so, He would use reefer rick as a name so he doesn't get caught", Max now says responding to Steve and it's question.

"maybe we don't need to know his actual name but maybe we could find him in the system, we have everyone's name in here as well as other information",Robin says now sliding into the chair and tho I g stuff up in the computer. We look through every rick that has borrowed a movie until we found the right one who's movies choices were questionable.

"Well let's go come on, go go", I say waving my arms towards the door as I walk to it opening it for the rest to walk out. I shut it after Robin walked out and she locked it and we went into Steve's car, driving off to go find Eddie. We ended up at house that was pretty much in the middle of no where grabbing our torches, walking towards the front door as Dustin knocked on the door. No one answered, Dustin knocked again louder before he started to yell a little. "HEllloo reefer rick, HELLO".
"Dustin can you stop yelling dude everyone can hear you",Steve shushes him as he stops him from knocking on the door.
I slowly walked away from their bickering looking through the windows until I saw a shed and a shed light on a couple of meters away from the house.

"Hey guys, GUYS", I say yelling out to them to get their attention which I did as they all looked at me. "Over here", I say point I g my flashlight towards the shed door. Everyone in the group walked towards where I was standing looking at the shed door. We started to walk to the shed one by one steeping into it as we looked around.
then Steve got the ore and started poking the tarp that was covering stuff.

"Why don't you lift the tarp up" Dustin says as he looks at Steve like he's an idiot.
"What if someone's under there we got to be carful-" Steve replies but is interrupted by someone jumping out from the tarp and pushing Steve againts the wall, as they held a broken beer bottle to his neck. it was Eddie.

"EDDIE", I say yelling out to him.
"EDDIE ITS US ITS ME DUSTIN", Dustin now yells so Eddie could stop before he does something. Eddie all looks at us, seeming frightened and scared.
"That's Steve, Steve is a friend and we have Robin and Max, max is the one who didn't want to play sub for hellfire club and well you know Y/n My sister", Dustin says carefully and calmly as we all give Eddie a little wave.
"Eddie we just want to talk we know what happened and we know your innocent", Dustin now says kneeling down next to Eddie. Soon Eddie let go of Steve and slid down the wall not sayinf a word you could see the fear in his eyes.

Then Eddie explained what happened with chrissy assuming he sounded crazy to us but he didn't, Dustin and the rest of the group then explained how hawkins is cursed how the upside down merges with our world. "We want to help you and we will help you", I say now looking at Eddie as he looked at me his eyes telling me he was thankful.

We decided for Eddie to stay at reefer Rick place until we came up with a plan as the group decided to get him some supplied for him mainly food for him to eat. "I'll stay with him while you guys go get the supplies", I say to them as they all walk out the door. they all nods agreeing before walking to Steve's car. " Be safe ok",Dustin says to me as he gives me a hug. "Always, and you be safe too ok", I say giggling him back before he walks back to Steve's car. He gives me a nod and wave before I close the shed door letting out a tired sigh.

I turn to look at Eddie who's head is hanging low still trying to process the whole situation. I walk up to him taking his hand as I saw he cut his hand before on the beer bottle. " Your bleeding", I say in a whisper letting go of Eddie's bleeding hand and walking ober to the table to find the first aid kit. Eddie lifts his head not taking his eyes off me as I rummage through the table.

I finally find the first aid kit walking back to Eddie placing it next to him where he sat. I grab the rubbing alcohol and a cloth pouring some of it on the cloth bedore taking Eddie's hand in mine. "This might sting a little so I'm sorry", I say looking at Eddie then back at his hand beginning to clean his cut, Eddie nodding a little and preparing for the stinging sensation. I hear Eddie hiss a little at the contact made from the rubbing alcohol to his cut. I throw the cloth away and grab the bandage and begin to wrap it around his hand.

"Why", Was all I heard from Eddie after it being quiet for a few minutes.
I look up at him confused as I finish wrapping the bandage around his hand standing back a little as I noticed how close we were." Why what", I ask my eyebrows furrowing in confusing.
"This, helping me all of you, Escpeacially you I know you and I don't get along at times", Eddie now spoke his eyes never leaving mine once.
"Dustin needed help and I always help my brother", I say averting my eyes away from his as I started to get a little nervous.
"Y/n.. the truth please", Eddie says standing up walking a little towards me.
"Be cause Eddie as much as we bicker and argue about the stupidist things at times, your not a bad person and you've also never failed to make me laugh, smile and yes I I'll never forget them time we smoked weed at your trailor", I say looking up at him a small smile appearing on face as he let's out a small chuckle and smiles at me.
"I also care about you, I know I may not show it but I do I really do Munson", I continued as Eddie slowly interwinded our fingers together.

"well", Eddie began to speak " you need to know the only reason I annoy you sometimes and piss you off is because I very much like you sweetheart", Eddie says now showing his signature smirk moving closer to me as our faces only centimeters apart. "and I also care about you a lot and appreciate you as well and I really can't imagine life without you", Eddie whispered his lips almost touching mine. A small blush rose to my cheeks smiling widely.
"can I kiss you", Eddie whispered again
"yes", I whispered back.

without hesitation Eddie closes the gap between us kissing me passionately yet a little roughly. my hands finding their way to his hair tangling my fingers in it as his hands travel down to my waist then to my back just above my butt. he slowly walks me back againts the wall of the shed as he deepens the kiss even more, slowly turning into a heated make out session.

"Maybe you should stay here with me for a couple more days you know to keep me safe", Eddie says pulling apart from the heated make out we had his smirk showing more now. "Yeah defiantly, Also don't want to be bored right", I say giggling as I play with his hair. "With you here I'll never be bored sweetheart", Eddie says lowly his smirk still showing as his hands rubs my back soflty.
"never", I say whispering smiling before kissing him once again.

(A/n little bit of a long one but liked how it turned out honestly, hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote:)

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