Part 1 The Pack

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A new story
Sorry people who want me to continue my creepypasta x male cannabilistic reader thing right now. Don't worry I'll get back on it but for right now I'm doing a smile dog x male wolf/wild dog reader. I'm considering doing this thing where if you describe your character/OC in the comments I will draw a picture of him and smile or NightBlade or maybe Jacque if you want. (You will know who NightBlade and Jacque are if you read. more in the description ).
Third person POV
The large (fur color) and (pattern color) wolf sat staring at the mansion. His coat concealed by the dark shadows provided by the trees. The rest of his pack sat by his side. They watched the lights in the house flicker as the residents flashed by the windows momentarily blocking the light. They watched one person in particular. He was tall with no face and currently trying to tame the beasts that were the other residents of the noisy house (did you think that they'd be watching smile? Too early!) The large wolf stood up as the sun began to rise. The wolves followed his lead as they traveled back to their camp. The wolf's camp was a large indent in the ground right next to a large lake. The pack contained more than 40 trained hunters and warriors and an abundance of small puppies. The large leader of the pack gracefully scaled the rock cliff up to his cave as the other wolves dispersed to their families inside of the large pack they called home. He sighed as he watched the small pups bound around and play with the apprentices. He felt a small timid presence behind him and smirked.
"NightBlade." He called not taking his eyes off of the pack below.
"You can come out from behind me." NightBlade was a small domestic dog the pack had found as a newborn pup starving. So they took him in. (M/n) had taken it upon himself to raise the pup as his own son even though (m/n) had never mated.
"Awwww man! You never let me sneak up on you," he pouted
(M/n) looked at his adopted son and cocked his head.
"That's because you aren't to sneaky, now are you?"
NightBlade pouted but it was replaced by a happy smile as he hopped around his father.
"So, did you find that evil man and tear him to shreds yet? Did ya did ya did ya?" The reason (m/n) had been watching the mansion with a group of his best warriors was because they had over heard a conversation between a large red and black demon and someone else about taking over someone called "Slenderman" and his "proxies" they had watched the mansion of killers to make sure they didn't get hurt. The leader of the pack had a soft spot for anyone in danger so his instinct told him to take care of the strange family. He had told his son about the demon and why he would be gone from 10:00 to dawn. Every night when he came home, NightBlade asked the same question when (m/n) came home in the early hours of dawn. (M/n) was beginning to get annoyed by the repetitive question from his son.
"No, NightBlade. I already told you I will tell you when we do." NightBlade huffed at the lateness of his fathers story. He wanted to know the details of the demon vs. demon wolf fight. Yes, (m/n) was a demon wolf. He had the power to control anything to do with darkness and death. Which meant that he could also bring people back to life.
"NightBlade, I have to get up early to go train with Jacque (pronounced jack but the j has an accent.) so I would like it if you don't bother me all night long again."
NightBlade's ears perked up at the sound of his dad's training buddy. "Can I watch you?!" NightBlade practically shouted.
"Yes but you have to remember to stay silent when we are training."
"Yeah, yeah, sure I will." NightBlade said. With that the camp became silent besides the pups still playing below the leader's cliff. (M/n) fell asleep with the thought of how to training will go tomorrow.

Time skip brought to you by Tiny Timmy~ zee next night still 3rd person POV

(M/n) woke up as the gleaming moon peaked through the trees. NightBlade was already up prodding his father with his small silver and black speckled paw. He muttered something along the lines of "I'm up,
I'm up" and stretched, tail towards the rising moon. He leaped down to organize a patrol for the next few hours for the mansion since he wasn't going to be there. He and NightBlade wandered out of the camp towards the lake the humans know as Lake Pontchartrain. Jacque was the wolf embodiment of the lake that ate humans if they got to close. He could control the water of the lake and the ground water of the surrounding area which made him a deadly opponent. Jacque was (m/n)'s best friend or, as Jacque like's to say, best mate. Jacque is a black and yellowish green wolf with black teeth and yellow eye. He wore an eyepatch over the other one. He talks like a pirate even though he's no where near the ocean. The trees began to thin out, signaling that they were nearing the lake and its resident. Jacque was floating on the water as he watched the approaching figures.
"It's 'bout time, mate! Where were ya?" He complained. (M/n) could feel NightBlade getting restless at the sound of his friends voice.
"I was waking up." (M/n) growled. He could see Jacque's eyes light up at the sight of NightBlade.
"I see ya brought ya lit'le mate there." He commented and nodded towards NightBlade.
"Yeah, he asked to come when I mentioned you." NightBlade got giddy at the sight of Jacque. To NightBlade Jacque was a second father or an older brother.
"Alright, alright. Let's get to training. NightBlade, go sit in a tree or something so you don't get hurt and you still get a front row seat." (M/n) said.
"K dad. Hi, Jacque." NightBlade said as he saluted to Jacque and walked away, excited to see his dad work with the shadows and the dead. The two well built wolves took positions across from each other and got in to a stance where they could clearly see each other's mussels so they could possibly predict the moves. They did all this unaware that they had an audience other than NightBlade.

Smile Dod X Male Wolf/Wild Dog ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now