Part 7 The Process

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Weeks passed and (m/n) slowly got better. His fur grew back and, though Smiley couldn't remove the screws holding his leg together yet, (m/n) began to walk and run just fine. There was a barely noticeable limp in his step that worsened with cold or damp weather or if he was straining himself. The fur on his leg grew back, though his leg was left scared up and he looked like he lost a fight with a blender. (M/n)'s first act was to thank the others for looking after him, then to go to his pack to check up on things. FoxClaw, his beta, had taken over wonderfully. The lost were buried or burned respectfully, the most healthy hunting and looking after the wounded. (M/n) smiled softly as he stepped into his little camp, flanked by Jacque while he looked around. He addressed everyone and everything in a meeting, ending with the fact that he had to return to the mansion to get better and that FoxClaw was in charge. He soon returned, having a slight limp that he covered with gritted teeth and perked ears. He hid his weakness, tail swaying confidently. He made his way back up to the room and promptly collapsed, letting out a soft whimper. His claws dug into the worn wooden floor. He was frustrated, the shadows pulling up around him. He broke into a sweat, gritting his teeth. The venom of the minion's teeth had somehow suppressed his mutation powers and (m/n) couldn't control the shadows very well. It almost felt as if he was trying to move an elephant on his own when he tried. Jacque, who was sitting on the bed and watching him, smacked the stubborn wolf in the back of the head.

"I know ya wanna get stronger a'ain, but that ain't gonna help ya's, ya know that?"

(M/n) let out a quiet whine, tail thumping rhythmically against the floor. "I have to get stronger.. I need to go back to the pack and be an Alpha. I can't just stay here and let my beta run everything."

Jacque tilted his head slightly, watching silently. He could feel (m/n)'s stewing anger, the shadows around him warping and bending around his front paws. He rested his cheek against one paw, using the other to stir up the foggy shadows in front of him. Jacque got up and crouched, scratching behind his torn ear, patting his head as he left to go do something else. He lifted his head and glanced out the window, letting out a soft huff. He knew he wasn't supposed to train or work hard, but he felt he needed to get stronger. He got up and nosed open the window, climbing out and jumping down, wincing as he landed on his messed up leg. He blew out a huff and trotted off into the woods.

For about a week, (m/n) would disappear every day without the others knowing and train by himself. Eventually, Smile noticed and brought it up to Jacque, knowing the pirate was closest to the alpha. They left and soon found (m/n) at a small burnt clearing, vaulting off fallen trees, using his shadows to strike out at branches hanging from tree branches. Smile was amazed at how (m/n) was moving, but Jacque could really see what was going on. (M/n) was in pain, biting through it and forcing himself to work harder. He landed hard and stumbled, nowhere near as graceful or  powerful as he used to be. He snarled, the shadows drawing up around him and tightening like a rubber band stretched to it's limits. Jacque's eyes widened and he grabbed Smile by the back of his neck and shoved him down just as the rubber band snapped. The shadows shot in every direction, now sharp and tangible as (m/n) howled in anger with himself and his condition. They embedded into the trees and rocks around him, before loosing their shape and returning to their rightful place beneath the trees. (M/n)'s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed. Jacque got up quietly, touching his shoulder where one of the shadows has cut him as it whizzed past. He picked up (m/n), hugging him tightly and nuzzling his fur. Smile got up and rubbed the back of his neck, watching them. Jacque looked up, eyes sad.

"Let's go home."

Smile Dod X Male Wolf/Wild Dog ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now