The Meeting

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Smile part 3.

A/n WARNING!! Jacque gets angry and there are gory details as he plans to dismember a younger wolf. Also it has come to my attention while I writing this that you won't actually go into the mansion and establish a 'connection' with smile until a lot later after they confront Zally(cuz I'm to lazy to type the Z-mans name) also in this smile can transform into a human as can you and some of the higher ranking wolves.
(M/n) POV after explaining the situation to Jacque

At the meeting in front of Jacque's lake.

Most of my pack wolves surrounded me with stone-faces and pricked or twitching ears. I sat on an elevated rock with Jacque at my right and an unusually quiet  NightBlade at my left. I felt three presences in the bushes. One powerful and ancient soul (slendy), one flickering and zapping electric soul (BEN), and a dog soul (smile).

"You have all been called here under a very trying matter. You have all heard about the red and black demon I had seen here talking about harming a mansion of serial killers I had not previously known about. It has come to my immediate attention that, of tonight, we have gathered more information." The pack erupted into murmurs as the wolves asked the patrol wolves what of the information.

"SILENCE!!" Jacque's voice boomed over the circle making all other voices cease to exist. "'E will get to 'at if you will SHUT YOUR 'OWLING SCREAMER!" Jacque was getting annoyed and an annoyed or angered Jacque was very hard to control. Thankfully none of the younger wolves spoke out against my angered friend.

I spoke too soon.

"And what will you do about it if we don't? You're just a stupid pirate wolf far from the sea. Who died and made you Alpha of this pack?" My eyes widened and I shivered at the dark aura with hints of murdering intent. Jacque jumped off the rock and stalked towards the young arrogant apprentice who stupidly had his chest sticking out like he was king. Jacque got in the wolf's face and glared.

"In a minute YOUR blood will be staining this grass as I pick apart your face. You know what I will do? He questioned with no hint of his accent that normally stood proud.

"W-what?" The apprentice stuttered.

"I will rip out your eyes. Slowly. One. At. A. Time. And then I will cut off that snarky tongue of yours. And then goes the sniffer." He growled tapping the young wolf's noes at the last part.      

"Then guess what?" He smiled sweetly at the apprentice wolf.

"M-my e-ea-e-ears?" The wolf stuttered out as more of of a question.
Jacque backed up and began passing around the circle with his shoulders hunched and his head lowered as he growled.

"No. Your ears will remain. Do you know why?" He questioned but soon answered his own question before the terrified wolf could open his jaw which was, at this point, shaking and clicking his teeth together.

"Then you will hear every shrieking child. Every horrified woman screaming "DeAr GOd, wHat iS tHAt ThiNG!"" He began shaking as his voice cracked and accenting different letters as his monster took over. The monster responsible for the human deaths that occurred here. That was our flaw. With our powers, we came with a voice or another soul some might call it. In any case, it was an insane version of our regular soul. When overly 'excited' about things or extremely angered, it comes out and tries to take over. I hopped down from the rock and stood next to him trying to calm him down. I rubbed my pelt over his in a calming gesture.

"I'm fine (m/n). 'E's gon'" he said, his accent reappearing in his shaking voice. I glanced back over to the shaking apprentice and turned to the horrified she-wolf next to him.

"MoonDust, would you please take your apprentice  back to camp. I will fill you in on the events of this meeting when I get back. Please take him to the healer for herbs and poppy seed. He will most likely have nightmares." Jacque has that effect on wolves.

"Y-yes Alpha" she stuttered before picking up the pup by his scruff and scrambling off towards the camp.

Slendy's  POV with the creepypastas in the bushes.

Jacque had made the wolves in the circle and the CP's in the bush take a step or two back. We had just learned the (fur color) wolf's name was (m/n) and he was, as I had thought before, was in fact Alpha in ranking. I had BEN tag along so he could tape the meeting and I wouldn't have to drag the entire mansion along or recount the long meeting. When I had watched Jacque and (m/n) train I knew that there had to be some sort of set back to their powers and I was right. It seemed that the users of these 'powers' had a second personality or another soul that likes to take over when they get angered or something. That would probably have catastrophic consequences on the people around them if the 'soul' came out fully. I'm guessing that's what happened when the young wolf spoke out of turn and Jacque went overboard in explaining what he would do to the wolf.

I turned back to Alpha, as I had resorted to calling him, as the began to 'talk' again. He said a few worlds about the meeting in the woods when he had first seen Zalgo. He then introduced the wolf that had come barreling into the training area containing mite information on Zalgo's apparent attack that he had been planing. As he stepped down from the rock, he touched his nose to the warrior-wolf's shoulder and whispered something in his ear, and continued walking to take the place of the wolf. A black wolf with red ears, paws, tail tip, muzzle and eye rings we assumed was DarkNight stood on the rock. He began to talk.

"Six weeks ago, Alpha had seen a demon talking to someone about a large mansion full of what we now recognize as serial killers. We have been stationed at the mansion for six weeks and now we have more information on this.......menace."

He stood up straighter and cleared his throat, and began talking again.

"This demon we now recognize as a long-time enemy of this mansion is attacking with approximately four and a half thousand of these demons." The red splotches around his eyes began to glow. A large red hologram appeared depicting a diagram of a 6 foot, slightly hunched over, demon minion. It was grey with small yellow glowing eyes. It's hands had long fingers and sharp fingernails that resembled Rake. It had long legs and it was heavily armed and armored.

"We assume these demons are easy to take out but strong in team-work. If  we up our training facility and time, we will be able to assist the mansion in defeating this demon. Zalgo will attack in two and a half weeks. We have also learned he has access to a strong metal and a blacksmith." The hologram changed to a diagram of the same battle claws worn by the undead army (m/n) used but with less rust.

"We will be equipped with these battle claws. They are made of lightweight titanium enforced steel." The hologram changed again to show armor with spikes on the shoulder, spine, elbows, and in between the eye holes.

"These will also be passed out. They are also made of titanium enforced steel. Alpha." DarkNight jumped down from the rock and changed places with (m/n).

"In one week Jacque, NightBlade, FoxClaw (m/n)'s second in command), and myself will confront the mansion about this matter and we will try to persuade them to let us help them. Anyone uncomfortable with this step forward now."

Wolves looked around the circle for anyone that would step forward. A small grey and black tiger stripes wolf stepped forward.

"Alright, TigerFang, you will be on patrol every night until three days before the attack. You will then scout the boarder the day of the attack before the siege. When everyone else is fighting, you will look after the pups with the elders and the healer and her apprentice." He stopped. The wolf nodded his head. (M/n)'s sharp (e/c) eyes began to glow as he threw back his head and howled. The rest of the wolves in the circle howled as their eyes began to glow too. When the stopped, (m/n) and Jacque exchanged a few words. Jacque disappeared into the lake and the wolves headed back the way they came. We turned around and I teleported back to the mansion.

Smile Dod X Male Wolf/Wild Dog ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now