Part 2 The lakeside training

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A new part 2.
Sorry for the inconvenience cause I stopped my creepypasta x male cannabilistic reader but it's not my fault. Writers block is a p.i.t.a. Also my offer is still open and if you want me to draw the undead army (m/n) uses in this chapter we can arrange that.

Slendy POV
When I finally got the house to calm down, I told them about the wolf. A wolf had been seemingly watching us for some time now. I had only seen him for two weeks now in the forest as a pair of (e/c) glowing eyes staring at us. (Bonus: you've been following them for 6 weeks now. You so sneaky) that night I watched out my window from my office. This time it was more than one wolf. He had about 20 wolves all with there star like eyes fixated on the mansion. They stayed there until the sun began to rise. It seemed the (fur color) wolf is the leader or has a high rank in the pack because he is always at the front of the rest of the pack. I set up patrols of a sort. Some of us left and we went in rotations. When BEN came back we were all excited to hear the news as he described where the wolf was. I had Masky, Hoodie, Smile, Grinny, Toby, and Jeff when teleported to the sight BEN described. We got there as the wolf emerged from the trees with a small domestic dog at his side. He talked to another wolf that was floating on the lake and was wearing a eyepatch. Smile translated for us. The yellow and black wolf was named Jacque and the small domestic dog was named NightBlade. We still hadn't figured out what the (fur color) wolf's name is yet, when he and Jacque took a strange battle stance with their teeth bared. They apparently were training. I was stunned as where the others when they both raised up on their hind legs and then slammed their front paws to ground. The earth broke open and the water moved. The earth gave way to large crevices and the water gave shape to wolves made of water. The crevices opened wider to reveal an army of undead wolves. They had bits of flesh hanging off of the reddish bones. Their eyes were soulless and their bodies were at strange angles and some of them had what seemed to be battle claws made of metal attached to their paws. They climbed out of the crevices at an alarmingly fast pace for the undead. Then the wolves lunged at each other going for each other's necks. It was clear to see yellow and black wolf could over power the (fur color) wolf easily but at the last moment the (fur color) wolf tapped the ground in a series if short movements. Shadows sprung from the ground stabbing at every direction. The (fur color) wolf back flipped off of the less sharp spikes and landed back on his paws still growling. Jacque jumped back twice out of the rang of the spikes and slid backwards. At this point the water and undead wolves were gone except for a few that still battles it out or stood of to the side warning their creator of incoming attacks.
A few hours later the (fur color) wolf was pinned to the ground. They were both panting. Jacque began to talk to the (fur color) wolf.

(M/n) POV.
I was pinned down.
"Tha' were quite a good fight ya put up, mate." He complimented.
"Thanks." I panted out as he stepped off me. I sat up hunched over trying to regain my breath.
"Best spar I have had in a long time." I said.
NightBlade jumped from his hiding spot in awe.
"That. Was. Awesome!" He spun around with happiness.
I tensed when I heard a quiet conversation in the bushes. Jacque and NightBlade continued as if they weren't there but I could tell they knew. I relaxed making it like I don't know that they're there.
"Sir!" The three of us jumped at the sound of DarkNight's voice(if this is your name just go along with it or change it if you want.). "Sir!" He shouted again.
"DarkNight? What is it? Wait, why aren't you at the mansion?! Where's the rest of the patrol?!? I panicked until I felt a reassuring paw on my shoulder. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in Attempt to calm down. DarkNight caught his breath and was panting in front of me.
"We caught sight of the demon. The red and black one you described! We have information on when and how he will attack. The rest of the patrol is still at the mansion making sure they don't attack early and gathering more information." DarkNight panted out. I could feel the presences in the bushes tense at mention of more information on the red and black demon.
"Alright. When the patrol is over, gather the 20 wolves on the patrol and 10 others and their apprentices that have recently been on patrol. Meet me back here as soon as you can. I will meet up with the patrol in half an hour. In that time explain to them to not talk to me about the matter. Jacque and NightBlade will come with me for the meeting. I expect you to be ready when I am."
I ordered. I growled at the thought of the red and black demon hurting the family of killers.
"Yes sir." He saluted and took off in the direction of the mansion. I turned back to Jacque so I could explain this to him.

With the creepypasta in the bushes. No ones POV
They were all stunned at the knowledge of the (f/c) wolf.
"Alright. We need to get back to the mansion and set up a plan." Slendy said. "We need to secretly attends this meeting although the it will only be me, smile, and someone else attending." With that the creepypasta's headed back to the mansion to talk about the newest development.

Smile Dod X Male Wolf/Wild Dog ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now