Zephyr's here!!!

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Vampiress: Hello again everyone! We have a dare from Zephyr who shall be joining us from now on...

Zephyr: I dare everyone to sit in a room of teenagers. and you can't kill them

Vampiress: *brings in a load of creepypasta obsessed fans*

Jeff: Well screw...

EJ: Did I walk in on something? ZEPHYR HEY!!! *hugs Zephyr*

Vampiress: Masky do you think she knows?

Masky: not at all...

Vampiress: It is time for the dare...

Everyone: *groans*

Vampiress: Zephyr sit beside me and we can begin

*everyone sits in a circle while the various fans get released and begin to fight over them, one tries to drag Masky away from Vampiress*


Fangirl: YOU'RE THE BEAST!!!

Vampiress: I'LL-

Masky: Calm down... here *grabs rock and throws it at the fangirl who gets knocked out* She's not dead so it doesn't count as killing...

A few hours later everyone is patching up bruises and collecting items that got thrown about by the fangirls...

EJ: Hey Zephyr you want some help???

Zephyr: yeah sure how about you help me put Slenders table and couches back the way they were???

Masky and Vampiress: How can she still be so clueless???


Vampiress: Slender please calm down I promise I shall find them!!!

Masky: We'll track the fangirls... *sighs*

Zephyr and EJ: We'll help!!!

Several hours after the mess of the fandom teens everything is back in place as it should be... apart from the broken trees that Slender is disappointed about...


Everyone: oh crap... RUN!!! *chaos ensues as everyone desperately tries to hide from Jeffs wrath*

Slender: *static and everyone falls to the floor* ENOUGH!!!  JEFF SIT DOWN IMMEDIATLY!!!

Everyone but Slender: Enough static please!!! *Vampiress is still not used of the static at this level and it is causing her to go a bit insane so Masky has his arm around her shoulders*

*Slender immediately stops the static when Masky signals to him that she's gonna leave*Slender: I'm Sorry Lady Vampiress, Masky take her to her room...

Masky: sure *leads her to the room*

Everyone: But we need her to continue this!!!

Slender: It ends here... Everyone can check on her later...

*Hoodie wanders over to Slender*

Hoodie: Slender I'll go and make sure Masky is able to control Lady Vampiress... 

Slender: That is fine, Hoodie you may go...

Everyone: Goodbye for now!!!

Zephyr: Goodbye!!! oh Lady Vampiress told me to tell you next chapter will be an interview with me!!!

~! Till next time my Demons!~

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