A CreepyPasta game.

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Masky: Hey Lady Vampiress you want me to get everyone here?

Vampiress: Yes please.

Masky: *wanders up to the bedrooms* Everyone Lady Vampiress is organising  a game!

Everyone: coming!!!

BEN: what the F*ck? she never organises games!

Masky: Well she is bored and Slender has a task for me... no one touches her while I am gone! *Masky leads everyone down to the living room and promptly exits after kissing Vampiress goodbye*

Vampiress: Everyone the game we are playing is two truths one lie... shots version!

Jeff: WOO! I'll get the drinks... red wine for you of course Lady Vampiress.

Me: Thank you Jeff.

*Jeff exits and returns holding a tray full of various alcohols and glasses*

Vampiress: Does everyone know how to play?

*a few people nod others sit there clueless*

Vampiress: We take it in turns to say two truths and one lie about ourselves do not make it easy! We must guess which one is the lie if a person incorrectly guesses which is the lie everyone must drink a shot. Who volunteers to go first?

Jeff: I volunteer EJ.

EJ: May I Lady Vampiress?

Vampiress: Yes Eyeless Jack you may.

EJ: thank you. I actually was human once. I am friends with Smile dog. I have walked in on Lady Vampiress and Masky once before while they were in the shower.

Vampiress: last one is true..

Everyone: *wtf look*

EJ: The lock was broken that day and our schedule was down...

Vampiress: I know the schedule from memory.

Jeff: Smartass stuck-up vampire.

Vampiress: Yes I know Jeffery

Jeff: Don't call me Jeffery!

Vampiress: *smirks* does anyone know EJs lie?

Hoodie: I do... EJ is friends with smile dog, He just tolerates his presence,  Seed eager and some also don't get along.

EJ: true

Vampiress: My turn! umm.... I became a CreepyPasta in the middle ages, I was never human, I have faced Zalgo and lived

Hoodie: first one is true. So that leaves never human or faced Zalgo.

Jeff: The lie is faced Zalgo and lived...

Vampiress: You are wrong Jeff, now we all must drink ten shots...

Everyone but Jeff and Vampiress: *groans* JEEEFFF SERIOUSLY????

*She prepares the shots*

Vampiress: On the count of three we drink. One. Two. Three!

*everyone drinks the shot really quickly, Vampiress gets slightly tipsy*

Vampiress: *slightly slurring words* That was certainly strong...

Everyone but Vampiress: Is Lady Vampiress drunk?

Vampiress: Only a little!

*Masky returns from his task*

Masky: Who got Lady Vampiress drunk???

Vampiress: I did it myself, whoops...

Masky: *chuckles* Keep drinking I wanna see this...

Everyone but Vampiress: *laughs* Same!

Jeff: I dare you to drink this! *hands Vampiress the strong alcohol*

Vampiress: ummm... it is a dare I guess I cannot refuse *chugs the whole bottle ending up drunk* I'm a unicorn!!!

Masky: *silent* what the F*CK?

Everyone: yeah what happened to lady Vampiress has she gone insane???

Jeff: we're all already insane. She's just quick to get drunk... she should be like this more often...

Masky: OH HELL NO!!! She is not to get drunk again... no one is sure what she is, all we know is she's vampiric...

Hoodie: good point.

EJ: yeah it could have bad side effects for her... and us, no one annoy her...

Toby: *pokes her once, vampiresd's eyes glow bright red* oh F*ck...

* Toby runs out the door and she followd swiftly behind*

Masky: Ruby Darkness come here! *Vampiress turns around answering to her proper CreepyPasta name*

Vampiress: yes?

Masky: calm down please...

Vampiress: Okay. *she plonks myself beside Masky who wraps his arm around her*

Vampiress and Masky: Goodbye for now! It ends here!

Everyone: Goodbye!

~!Till next time my Demons!~

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