7. joanna and joon

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So on the 14th of October 2021, Taehyung had gone to a museum with the wife (Yoonjung) and daughter (Joanna) of the CEO of Paradise Group.

Immediately photos of them started going around and netizens and media outlets were all OMG JOANNA AND TAE ARE DATING but then Kim Taehyung came to the scene and put an end to all of the garbage by posting these on weverse

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Immediately photos of them started going around and netizens and media outlets were all OMG JOANNA AND TAE ARE DATING but then Kim Taehyung came to the scene and put an end to all of the garbage by posting these on weverse

Immediately photos of them started going around and netizens and media outlets were all OMG JOANNA AND TAE ARE DATING but then Kim Taehyung came to the scene and put an end to all of the garbage by posting these on weverse

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Lmao he was so pissed off

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Lmao he was so pissed off. As he should be. I mean I'd be pissed off as well if people started going around saying my girlfriend was actually my real girlfriend's friend (wink wonk).

(oh and remember how Taehyung showed up on weverse after the news with jen?

The difference is killing me 😭💀 he was disgusted by the rumours with Joanna 😭)

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The difference is killing me 😭💀 he was disgusted by the rumours with Joanna 😭)

Anyway HYBE released a statement regarding this as well.

Anyway HYBE released a statement regarding this as well

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They released a statement like they always do.

No matter how insignificant the issue is, HYBE would shove a statement in everyone's faces.

Until the 22nd of May 2022 aka the taennie pic day. What changed HYBE? 👀

Of course no one wanted taennie to be real and it became even worse for them when HYBE weren't flipping saying ANYTHING. So then some people on the internet went "oh you know what, HYBE is a weird company now, they aren't like how they used to be. Their management is complacent now."




Then literally a month later, this happened:

Then literally a month later, this happened:

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HYBE hasn't changed one bit, you idiots. You're just a loser who's in denial 😭

Like istg I'm a huge army and even I didn't know about this rumour of Joon 😭 it was so insignificant and yet HYBE being HYBE denied it 😭

So to all the haters of taennie; Are y'all dumb? If according to y'all, taennie is fake, why hasn't HYBE said anything yet?? Taennie's news was so much bigger than Joon's. It was so much bigger than tae and Joanna's. It is one of the biggest allegations that they've had to date. So why hasn't HYBE said anything??

Deny it all you want. Just know y'all look stupid doing so.

Everyone is confused lol not just us

Ahhh how does it feel to be on the losing side, honeys? 🤣🤣🤣

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Ahhh how does it feel to be on the losing side, honeys? 🤣🤣🤣

Anyway see y'all next time :D

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