14. experts and reality

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Taekookers can cry all they want about the pictures being edited and photoshopped and whatnot lmao.

But we got expert opinion on the whole thing :))))

There is a famous youtuber named Lee Jinho who wanted to get to the bottom of all these taennie things

(Here's his youtube channel)

So he contacted a White Hacker and asked him about the whole process

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So he contacted a White Hacker and asked him about the whole process

Before that lemme let yall in on what a white hacker is

So it's a like a super hero expert behind the screen right?

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So it's a like a super hero expert behind the screen right?

So this particular white hacker works in a Security Expert Team and he spilt the tea on the whole sitch ☕️ (or the idea behind the whole thing)

Lee jinho asked the expert if the pictures were edited and the expert DENIED ALL CLAIMS THAT THE PICTURES WERE EDITED/PHOTOSHOPPED

Lee jinho asked the expert if the pictures were edited and the expert DENIED ALL CLAIMS THAT THE PICTURES WERE EDITED/PHOTOSHOPPED

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So there you have it

An EXPERT said the pics were real :))

So next time yall see an angry childish taekooker or other shipper or solo stan crying over these pics and saying that they're edited, pls just show them Lee jinho's video lmao

The rest of the video is the expert talking about the motives and processes of the hacker and further details so if yall wanna see more of that heres the video :))

Anyway guys, dont forget to keep emailing hybe about what's going on. Apparently gurumiharibo has pics of tae and jen kissing and hugging and NO WAY IN HELL should we be allowed to see that.

This is bad enough for my babies, and I do NOT want their beautiful relationship to be destroyed over this.

Remember the link to the email templates is in my bio!!

See yall later 😙💗

TAENNIE //WAS// REAL (deal with it)Where stories live. Discover now