17. fumbling and gullibility

496 21 10

Gurumiharibo apparently admitted that the pics were fake and edited. Here's why no one should believe her claim.

Pls note that I am in no way supporting gurumi and her purpose. She's sick in the head and needs to be stopped immediately. It's clear she wants to ruin tae and Jens lives.

As much as I want these to be edits and fake and all a nightmare, I know from an logical perspective that it is not and the pics are real. Which is why we should be taking this extra seriously since its an invasion of privacy case and not a case where "the pics aren't even real why bother"

Let's start.

Case 1:

Gurumi, after leaking all the pics of tae and jen, says in her telegram group chat that she challenges the companies to release a statement saying that the pics are edits.

She didn't say that they ARE, she said IF they are, the companies should release a statement saying they are.

Gurumi is just THAT confident about the pics being real bc, neither hybe nor yg released a statement about the pics being edits bc G never edited them in the first place.

Why would she challenge two multi million dollar companies if she edited them??

Take kim garams case for example, hybe immediately said the pics and chat screenshots accusing her of bullying were edits

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Take kim garams case for example, hybe immediately said the pics and chat screenshots accusing her of bullying were edits. They were so quick to deny its realness. Bc there were actual cases of photoshop in her case.

So if tae and Jens pics were photoshopped we would've gotten an immediate statement right? We didn't. We never did. And we never will.

So to all you lot saying "why should hybe care, they're just edits" kim garams case is the perfect argument against that. And mind you, these taennie pics are all over the NATIONAL NEWS.

Case 2:

Gurumi creates another gc in which she sends the rest of the pics of tae and jen.

She tells the members that IF they spread the pics, she will tell them that they are fake. This wasn't a fact, it was a THREAT.

 This wasn't a fact, it was a THREAT

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