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Today another private pic of taennie has been leaked.

To whoever is leaking these pics, pls stop.

This is an invasion of privacy and so so disrespectful.

I am a taennie supporter but this is wrong on so many different levels.

This is so fcking scary and disgusting.

To whoever reads this, pls PLS email hybe and yg. We need to take this account down NOW.

This is the freak who's leaking all the pics so PLS keeping tagging ybe and yg and emailing them

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This is the freak who's leaking all the pics so PLS keeping tagging ybe and yg and emailing them.

I love taehyung and jennie so so much and it hurts my fcking heart that their private life is being exposed like this.

I mentioned this before as well, I want taennie to be real but not like this. Not from the mouth of a stalker. I want to hear it from Taehyung and jennie ONLY.

Please make those two companies aware of these and send loads of love to taennie on Instagram and weverse.

TAENNIE //WAS// REAL (deal with it)Where stories live. Discover now