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Admiral Kazansky passed away, It's sad, He knew both of Serenity's parents, she saw him few months ago. He thought it was amazing that she took after her parents and becoming a pilot herself. Serenity knew Maverick was completely devastated and hurt.

As service was going and they all stood. So much was going through Serenity's mind. The future, she knew if she wanted what she wants for the future, she got to build up some more courage then what she already has.


Serenity, Avery and Macy sat on the couch watched Bates motel which was Avery's suggestion. "For heavens stake Avery, why do you watch this messed up show again?" Macy asked. "IT'S NOT MESSED UP!" She exclaimed. "Oh really, why the hell is he acting like his mother is there because hello she's dead, he killed her!" Macy shouted more. Serenity couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes she's dead but that's also Norman." Avery said calmly. "Also Norman, you mean..." Macy said. "Yes. he acts like her." Avery said. "But also acting like a damn psycho." Macy added and Avery nodded. "WHAT THE SHIT!" Macy exclaimed which caused both Avery and Serenity to laugh. "I know it's confusing, just watch the show from start to finish, then you will understand." Avery said trying not to laugh anymore. 

"How completely messed up he is, like I am seeing right now." Macy said. Serenity shook her head. Macy looked at her, "You good Serenity? You seem like you have a lot on your mind." Macy asked her. "I do." She replied. "Come on, Talk to us, what's going on." Avery said to her. "I have been thinking... thinking about Bradley and I." Serenity said which they looked at her.

"What is it?" Macy asked. "I am in love with him, he's the man of my dreams and he someone I don't want to live without." Serenity explained. "It took this long for you to realize, you two have known each other since you were kids." Avery said. "But I have been scared to take on the next step, as if he doesn't feel the same, like I know he does because she calls me beautiful but I sometimes I doubt myself on that." Serenity explained.

Avery scoffed. "He fucking loves you, he fucking adore you, there is no way in hell, he doesn't love you back." She said and Macy nodded agreeing  with her. "Don't be afraid Serenity." Macy said. Serenity smiled at her friends, then her front door knocked.

"Don't worry, I got it.' Avery said. Avery opened the door to find Bradley standing there. "Well Bradshaw,  What a lovely coincidence, what brings you by here?" Avery asked as Serenity's eyes had widened. "I actually need to talk to Serenity." He said. "Oh, She's free because Macy and I gotta blast. See you tomorrow." Avery said as she got her stuff and so did Macy. "Good luck." They both whispered. Serenity chuckled at her friends. Then she saw him standing there,  "You know you can come in Bradshaw." Serenity said to him which caused him to smile. He closed her front door and joined her on the couch.

"What brings you by Bradley?" Serenity asked as she change the show to Supernatural. "You are still into this show?" He asked her and she chuckled. "Sure am but you avoided my questioned, what brings you by?" She asked.  "I want to talk about us." He said which caused her to make eye contact with him. "What about us?" She questioned. 

"Serenity, I can't ignore this feeling I have anymore, especially when I am around you, I have known you since we were kids, you have been my crush since I was young boy. I just can't ignore the fact that I am in love with you and I have been scared because I am afraid of destroying our friendship." Bradley explained and Serenity looked at the floor.

"Funny because I was the one who was scared." Serenity admitted as she made eye contact with Bradley again. "I was scare to lose you if I admit my feelings but to be fair, I realize I am surround by pain without you by my side but filled with light and cheerful spirits  when you are... I guess I'm trying to say, We are better off being together then apart, I am better off with you then without you.... Bradley Bradshaw I am in love..." Before Serenity could finished, Bradley pressed his lips to her, She smiled through the kiss as he pulled her into his lap.

He pulled away and smiled. "Serenity Lewis, I am in love with you... You are right, we are better together then apart, I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else but you." He said to her. She smiled and held his face. "Wow, I am dating Bradley Bradshaw, I am the luckiest woman in the world." She told him. "Really because I thought I was lucky on because I am with the Serenity Lewis." he said to her. He picked her up and took her to her room. He sat her on the bed as he then laid beside her.


"I can't believe your forgot your wallet." Macy said to Avery. "I am sorry, it's just Bradshaw showed up, I wanted to hurry and get out of there, so Serenity and him could talk." Avery said. As they approach her house, they saw the Bradshaw's bronco was in the driveway. She pulled into the driveway. "I will be quick." Avery said as she got out her pickup truck. She opened the door, Serenity didn't mind as she trusted Avery. Avery looked around the living room and realize that her wallet was in Serenity's room. 

As soon she got in there, her eyes met with Serenity and Bradshaw, who was shirtless. Avery's eyes had widened. "Thank, oh god... I was just getting my wallet."  Avery said as she grabbed her wallet off Serenity's dresser. "Are you two?" Avery asked and Serenity nodded. Which Avery cheered. "What about you and Jake?" Bradshaw asked. Avery looked at him. "What do you mean her and Jake, Avery?" Serenity questioned her.

"Oh incase your wondering, Mickey and Javy had heard you talking to Callie about him. You two bump heads but I think he would settle down that ego of his if you admit your feelings to him." Bradley said which caused Avery cheeks to brighten. "They uh..." Avery said. "No they didn't go tell him, they feel it should be up to you."Bradley said. Serenity looked at her and said "I would go for it, besides since when I have known Crow to be scared." Avery smiled and said "I just need time." Bradley and Serenity nodded. "Anyways, have a nice night and see you both tomorrow." Avery said as she stormed out causing the couple to giggle. "That was first." Bradley said. "Indeed." Serenity said as she snuggled into his neck, he pressed a kiss on her forehead.


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