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New kind of Legacy

A month later....

Yep... Serenity fractured her shoulder, not to bad, it was from the crash but she is in a sling. She stared at the mirror, she couldn't fly for a couple more weeks which she was pretty sad about. She heard a knock on the door, "I'm coming!" Serenity said as she walked to the door. She opened it to find Penny, Serenity instantly smile. "Well if isn't the heroic Tails." Penny said which caused Serenity's smile grew bigger. Serenity saw the girl and looked back at Penny. 

"So this is Amelia?" Serenity questioned and Penny nodded. Serenity smiled at her and said "It's lovely to finally meet you as I heard so many things from your mother here." Which Amelia smiled at Serenity. 

"So ready to meet up with Pete and Bradley?" Penny asked. "Indeed, I am so happy they worked out there differences and finally are bonding." Serenity said and Penny nodded agreeing with the woman.


Serenity smoothly got out of the car, Maverick noticed her, Amelia and Penny but Serenity told him to stay quiet. Serenity walked up quietly to him seeing he was struggling, but she saw the solution. "You know love, you just connect the blue and yellow wires." Serenity said which caused Bradley whip his head around, he had a grin on his face as he pulled her into a hug but being cautious of her shoulder. "You're here." He said to her as he pulled away. "Of course, I am here, I missed my love." Serenity said as she held his face with her one hand. 

She looked over and saw the photo wall. She smiled and walked towards it. "Oh Goose, I promise I am taking care of your son." She muttered. Bradley walked up beside her, put his hand on her waist and held onto her. He looked at the picture of Her, Him and Maverick just smiled away. Then he saw the photo of her mother. "You know, Maverick told me about the one mission that he and your mom did together." Bradley said which caused Serenity to look at him. "Oh he did." Serenity said keeping eye contact with him. 

"Said that she had to get back to me and you, which that always like your mother, but the thing that tickled me was, she wouldn't been surprise if me and you ended up together like we are now." Bradley explained which caused Serenity to smile and looked at the picture of her mom then her dad. "My dad was taken away from me when I was young like you, but his death didn't hit me like my mother's death did but now I am content." Serenity explained.Bradley looked at her and she smiled. "Because I have amazing guy in my life to keep my spirits up, the same man who stay by side since we were kids." Serenity said with a smile. He smiled at her and pressed his lips to hers.

They stared at the photos. "What was your parents like Serenity?" A voice said. They turned to see Amelia. Serenity smiled and said "I'll tell you." She started explaining about her parents, Bradley looked at the photo of His dad and Maverick. He walked up to it and looked at it. "Believe me dad, I am lucky to have her by side, I can't wait marry her someday." Bradley muttered while he looked back at the woman he loves.

"Just say, I built a new kind of Legacy with the family name." Serenity said to Amelia with a smile.


After Maverick and Penny came back, Serenity and Bradley went to Hard deck, Penny left it open for Serenity and the crew. Serenity saw Jake helping Avery with the pool cue. Macy and Javy being all lovey dovey. Yes, Javy asked Macy on a date and he stole her heart that night. Avery looked up and saw Serenity. "SERENITY AND BRADSHAW!" She exclaimed which caused the other pilots to look at the couple and smile. Avery ran and hugged her.

"I still can't believe you and Jake, he's quite an ass there." Serenity tells Avery. Avery looked back at her boyfriend then back at her best friend. "Yeah, well he's my ass." Avery said looking at Jake which caused Serenity to giggle. Natasha came up to the pair and pulled Serenity into a hug. "How's the shoulder?" Natasha asked as they came up to everyone. "I still can't believe you try avoid that you were hurt." Mickey said. "What do you expect from Serenity, she's stubborn." Reuben replied. "First off, I know, stupid and second of all, My shoulder is doing fantastic, can't wait to get back to flying." Serenity replied.

Avery smiled, "Yeah, I miss you up in the air." She replied. "Wait, you aren't enjoying it with me?" Jake asked her. "I do but Serenity is something else." Avery said which caused Serenity to giggle. "Yeah like that stunt I heard she pulled on Bradshaw and Maverick." Javy said. Serenity gave him a look, "I know, dumb move... but my mother was on my mind at that moment, I remember her telling me the thing my father pulled, so I figured I would try it which I think worked out very well." Serenity explained.

"Well whatever you did Serenity, you did succeed this mission along with the rest of us." Robert said and Serenity smile. "Thanks Buddy, at least Bob is always positive even majority of things I pull off is really extreme." Serenity said. "Isn't that like 99% of time?" Javy questioned her, which caused Serenity to give him a look while Macy playfully hit his shoulder. "That's not cool." Macy muttered to him and He rose his hands in defense. "Macy, you and I know that's true." Javy said to her. "Yeah but when Serenity uses that head of hers, it's actually a great plan and think about it Maverick and his buddies even her own father had quite a time with her mother and River built legacy which Tails followed forward and did the same." Macy explained. Serenity smiled while the pilots nodded agreeing with Macy.


Bradley stared at Serenity, Avery and Macy outside with Robert and Natasha. "Bradshaw, you good there?"Mickey asked him. "Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind." Bradley replied. "Like what?" Reuben asked. "The future." He replied. 

Jake chuckled slightly, "I can expect what my future will be like, what about yours Rooster?" Jake asked him. Then Bradley made eye contact with Serenity, She smiled at him. "I got clear picture of it... it has her in it... that's for sure." Bradley said.


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