Chap 2 - Prepare for a War!!!...

585 14 18

Monday Noon
Qua-Toyne Principality, Port City of Maihark

The Port City of Maihark was an important city on the whole Principality of the Qua-Toyne, with the city covered by wood and stone houses, the city heavily guarded with high stone wall, several watch towers, wyvern airfield, and well trained guard alongside with several captains of an battalions. But, 6 month has passed away, and the Maihark now is not need all of that defense again...

The Port City of Maihark, has growth into a port megacity. The wood and stone houses now change into concrete houses. The wooden port dock and undefended port now is made of full concrete with steel pillars, filled up with several of 20mm and 40mm Bofors, QF 3'7 Inch-AA, Flak 8.8 and 30, and an coastal artillery. The stone wall has been filled up with many AA Guns, the wyvern airfield now change into fully concrete airfield with several aircraft hangar. Watch towers now change into radar and communication. Maihark has fully 360° change..

Not only Maihark, but Gim, Ejey, Suna, Yaan, Onais, even the Capital City of Qua-Toyne and Barrat. All of them has changed 360°.

Since their diplomatic relationship was officially signed, the Allies and the Axis nations began the project; Project New Dawn, it's special for every nation who making their own relationship with the Allies-Axis Alliance. For now, only Qua-Toyne and Qualia just receive the big modernization...

Today on the Maihark city port, the Qua-Toyne 2nd Fleet just arrive, consisted:

-2 Yaan class Light Cruisers

-4 Allen M. Summer class Destroyers

-2 Gim class Destroyers

-4 Type XI class Submarines

-1 Essex class Aircraft Carrier

The Qua-Toyne and Qualia still depending their navy on purchasing warships from Allies and Axis nations. And you must be asking, how did the late WW II/1940's warships can exist on Allies and Axis nations of 1940???

It's all began when the Transference happened, the sudden appear of the warships shocking the whole nations. But as situation calm down, the Allies and Axis nations began to studied the warships. Apparently, not only late War/1940's warships just exist, the planned/cancelled warships that proposed in 1930's/40's was exist to on every nations, such as:

-Montana class Battleships

-H-Klasses Battleships

-Sovestky Soyuz class Battleships

-Hakuryuu class Aircraft Carrier

-All of Sentoku, Sentaka, Senho Types Sub-Carrier

-Alsace class Battleships

-All of Admiral class Battlecruisers

-Graf Zeppelin class Aircraft Carriers

-Whole of Yamato class Battleships

-Whole of Iowa class Battleships

-Whole of Alaska class Battlecruisers

-Tosa class Battleships


Many of the warships on the dock on every Allies and Axis nations. But because too many warships and lack of sailors, the Allies and Axis began to do a Joint Exercise that called as Allies-Axis Joint Exercise or AAJE. Some of the warships too were sell to the Qua-Toynians and Qualians a good price, and both the natives nations can joining the AAJE too after registering themselves.

The Qua-Toyne and Qualia maybe can't built a warships yet, but they can built several Destroyers and Light Cruisers. Even thought, the Allies and Axis supported them to build their first Dreadnought Battleships, named as; Lotus and Barrat class Dreadnought Battleship.

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