Chap 5 - Its Time!...

307 10 7

Night Friday
Kingdom of Louria, Kingdom of Rowlia, Capital City of Jin-Hark
Hark Castle

It's already a weeks since the war has been started, on the Throne room. The King of Louria now in time of worried. All of 2000 soldiers has sent to the Gim again, but again, it's was failed. They already lost over 500.000 soldiers. And worse than before, the Qua-Toyne, Qualia, and their allies began to advancing through the Kingdom States.

Hark: "How... HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!"

The King now on time of depress. In all of his leaderships, he never gone depress like this before since the Rebellion of Northern Area. With a big depress hit him, for sure, the King has begun to lost grip for his own armies. First, he lost the Southeast States Armies and began to rebelling on him with the Qualians helps. Second, the half of the navy began to defecting to the Qua-Toyne and Qualia. Third, the Easter Subjection Armies General, General Adem began to leaving his command on the Royal Army. A big headache to the King.

Hark: "SERVANT!!!!"

Servant#21: "Yes My King?"


The servant out from the Throne room, then the Commander of the Invasion Forces, General Patagen enter the room.

Patagen: "Your Majesty. I come as fast as I can."

Patagen bowed to his King (Or not) and began to reporting.

Patagen: "Your Highness, another three thousand soldiers has been depart to the Eastern and Western Subjection Armies as an aids."

Hark: "Sent many as you can!!! I don't want these pity demi-humans to enter the Kingdom!!!"

Patagen: "As your wish, Your Highness..."

Patagen leave the room after the servant that taking a drinks back. With some angry face, Patagen walk out from the palace and sees the dark skies and the stars. He hoping the war quickly end now, because he already command and indirectly kill many young man of Louria Kingdom because of the command from the King. He too already hear about Adem leaving his place on the armies, and began to commanding by himself.

Patagen: "Oh, God of the Sun! When will this War end?"

-Time Skip-

Morning Saturday
Kingdom of Louria, Captured Eastern Subjection Army Base
Allies-Axis FOB

After capturing the former Louria Eastern Subjection Army base, Generalmajor Erwin Rommel now thinking for the next advancement to the Louria Capital on his temporal office. But getting interrupted by a US soldier.

US Soldier#412: "Sir!"

Erwin: "What is it?"

US Soldier#412: "The Qua-Toyne Wyvern Scouts has return and bring a report of more than Three Thousand soldier marching towards the enemy lines."

Erwin: "Are this troops sent from the Capital?"

US Soldier#412: "Yes."

French Soldier#516: "General!!!"

Erwin: "What is it?!"

French Soldier#516: "The Russians is here! Along with their Rocket Launchers Units."

Erwin: "Really???"

Generalmajor Erwin Rommel out from his opened office and seeing the Russians is marching with their Rocket Launchers. The gate were open and the soldiers and several officers greets the Russians in, the legendary Rocket Launchers, the Katyusha, parked on the frontlines. In case if the Lourians is coming, the rockets already loaded and prepared.

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