𝐂𝐡.1 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭!

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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

𝙇ife has changed since finny went missing. i know i should be moving on by now and i am its been 6 damn weeks and they still haven't found finny 𝐨𝐫 his body i lost hope in the first two weeks but gwen still thinks he's out there Somewhere im not prepared to find either but im expecting the worst outcome like i always do.

but first Hey! let me introduce myself im Sam shaw im Gwen's older adoptive brother. currently we are on our way to school because our drunk puta excuse my language of a 'dad' is still insisting on the matter Even though he knows gwen needs her time to process that finny might never ever be coming back home again.

I sometimes close my eyes and imagine a world where nothing is wrong in life like my parents never put me up for adoption Gwen and Finny actually have a good father if you can call him that when he drinks cheap beer all day. but I know logically I would never go back because then I would have never met Gwen and Finny.

Gwen sometimes talks about stupid boys and who she would marry to get her mind of finny which I get we all have our ways to cope mine being shutting out the world and hers being talking shit and gossiping about things that don't matter being right now for example.

"Your not going to marry that boy Gwen and I don't think his voice matters so much" I answer "it's so crucial and I Love his voice" she's quick to rebuttal I slightly smile at her back she's walking in front of me so she can't see it.

"Look" I speak up after a moment "what" Gwen answers not too fond of being interrupted "the flyer" I point out and roll my eyes at her smart ass attitude.

"Mister Yamada must have put them back up again" "you don't think their gonna find them do you?" Gwen asks "not the way they want to" I reply somberly wishing I could say the opposite but unfortunately it's the truth"come on let's go where gonna be late" Gwen says.

Probably trying to change the course of conversation I get it I didn't really want to talk about it either while we start picking up the pace and getting back on track I suddenly hear a crowd chanting "𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓! 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓! 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓!"

Me and Gwen are fleeding toward the scene "what is that" Gwen asks why we run "let's find out" I make a quick reply. I hear moose's voice "I'm will pound you,you slime eater" "then do it" I hear someone talk I look at him feeling slightly mesmerized by his beauty.

But I don't really have time to appreciate it much seeing as moose takes a swing at him my eyes widend slightly this boy who I still don't know the name of steps back quickly deflecting the attack.

He takes a swing at moose and fortunately it socks him right in the nose hermoso takes a quick step back and kicks him in the face
Causing moose to fling into a pole.

I smile he was pretty cool in my opinion and it was funny seeing moose get his ass beat up by a kid that looks my age moose pushes himself of the pole and wraps his arms around preciosos back trying to push him down.

But the boy 'god I need to get his name' quickly gains control and wraps his arms around moose's head backwards facing the opposite way moose drops to the ground and hermoso quickly straddles him

Punching him repeatedly as people gasp and cheer him on I hear the name robin pass by peoples lips I guess that's his name I take a quick look at his face and decide it fits him.

"Holy shit" Gwen gasps out I pull her shoulder slightly wanting to stay and watch but knowing finny wouldn't want Gwen seeing such a gruesome sight before we fully go away I see moose pass out.

I smirk seeing the asshole getting what he deserves and maybe because the person who did it was  Un poco lindo "that was so cool" Gwen says "yeah" I responded trying to seem neutral but hiding my excitement.

"Moose was a asshole" Gwen states again "I don't care" I say trying to give her a good role model finny was always better at this then I was.

"But last year when he made fin-" I stop her "yeah I get it let's just get to class" I say not wanting to talk about finny any longer "he's robin arellano he's the toughest kid in school since the grabber got vance hopper"

"I wish you would stop talking about that" I say aloud "what about vance" I roll my eyes "no about the gra-" "I know what you mean it's not true you know the grabber can't hear us and he doesn't come get you if you say his name"she says.

"I know" I sigh out "they why don't you say it "no" "come on say it" I sigh again this time more heavier "fine 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐞𝐫" "see" Gwen says after a moment a moment I roll my eyes again I've been doing that a lot lately with her around.

I don't seem notice the black van in the corner of the road though.

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