𝐂𝐡.3 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫

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𝙂wen's fingers moved against the fence creating an annoying sound that when first started quit frankly scared the shit out of me I almost dropped my bag

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𝙂wen's fingers moved against the fence creating an annoying sound that when first
started quit frankly scared the shit out of me I almost dropped my bag.

My eyes trained in front of me as I walked down the rode me and Gwen walked every day my bully's eyed me from the corner of my eye but I elected to ignore it Gwen seemed to take notice though.

"What was that?" I smirked lightly at her "nothing" I decided to not tell Gwen about my encounter with robin in the bathroom.

"I'm staying over at Suzie's tonight it's Friday you know how that goes" I nod "okay" "I'll be home in the morning and you better not eat all the ice cream!" She yells over her shoulder.

"No promises!" I yell back I pull out robins address from my pocket deciding to go over to help him study now when schools over I slightly smile hoping he won't mind.

I walk twords Wallace Street already knowing the direction.


I end up coming over to a big apartment building

I open the door welcomed to a set of stairs I brace my self for the long and tiring walk up and sigh hell awaiting me in the form of steps

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I open the door welcomed to a set of stairs I brace my self for the long and tiring walk up and sigh hell awaiting me in the form of steps.


I look down at the paper seeing the words embarked on the door B12 my breath slightly Shakey and the nervousness waltzing in to my heart I slightly hesitate before quickly fixing my hair to seem presentable I knock on the door not a minute later does it swing open.

A tall women looks at me questioningly before nodding "Chico! Your friends here!!" She yells over what seems to music the music comes to a halt and robin runs out the door while putting a shirt over his head

I get a quick look at his abdomen and slightly blush "Sam!" Robin comes to my side and and looks me in the eyes smiling lightly it doesn't meet his eyes but I know he means it.

"Hey robin!" I greet I look over to the women and realize I might have seemed rude by not introducing myself. "Hello ma'am I'm Sam shaw" I smile at her she looks me up and down before nodding and smiling wide.

"Aye nino no need to be so formal" she pulls me in and hugs me my eyes widen by a bunch" "Mami! Stop your gonna scare him!" Robin retorts I slowly leave the tight hug.

"It's okay" I smile "well boys I have to go! I wish you luck on studying" I only now notice her clothing she's in scrubs she must be a nurse my mind gathers the information.

" Robin, pórtate bien y nada de bromas, ¿de acuerdo?" She says to robin a quizzical look on her face I understand what she means and me and robin both nod simultaneously.

She leaves as the door is still open and robin closes and locks the door looking at me "ready to have some fun" he says I nod and we both smirk


What 'fun' meant was studying until the sun went down "I still don't get it why do you add a decimal In the first place" robin complains for the 100th time that night I sigh and explain again "because than you have to carry over the decimal and divide by 30" he looks at me like I'm a lunatic.

I hum and close my eyes "why don't we just take a break"I peel one eye open to see robin nod his head his bandana long gone he complained of it squeezing all the knowledge out of his brain it made a funny joke we both laughed at for 20 minutes.

We both sit on his bed I open my eyes to see him looking at my cheek a small scar in it's place I open my mouth to speak "I don't know how it got there" I say
He nods acknowledging he was caught staring.

He changes the subject "wanna watch a horror movie?" I grin "hell yeah!"


We watched as the main character ran into the room I snort "what a dumb ass" I say as we watch her get brutally murdered.

Robin laughs "Ella es tan estúpida" we both chuckle at his little comment I look over at the time and decide its time to go home.

A little part of me wants to stay but doesn't want to intrude I look over at robin "I have to go home now" the credits have started so he immediately looks over.

He nods and walks me over to the door after shutting the TV off I slightly look at his mesmerizing brown eyes and smile "thanks for the great time" he smirks "any time hermoso" my eyes widen at the name.

He starts to apologize"Sorr-" I step forward and hug him "nah it's fine" I play it cool as I start to blush.

"Can I walk you home" he asks hopeful I think it over and shake my head "it's ok I'll make sure to be careful" he seems to hesitate but nods instead.

I smile and walk out "thanks again robin" I say before I hear the door shut walking down the stairs seems to be easier then walking up by the time I get home dad's drunk passed out on the couch I slowly get closer and take the bottle out his hand and throw it in the garbage.

I walk into my room. today was eventful
I gently lay down in bed after changing into my pajamas I look up to my popcorn sealing and pretend to be counting the stars until my eyes slowly shut every moment from today passing through my head as I hum my self to sleep

I can't wait for tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that robin gives me days to look forward to and I haven't felt this calm since.... Since  finny I decided to ignore that thought and fall asleep Into the abyss of thoughts that comfort me

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