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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

𝙄 could feel the hard mattress against my back at home I always made sure to keep all my pillows on my bed afraid finny would try to steal them from me. but what I couldn't identify was the cold presence looming over me. 

My eyes snapped open the memories of what had happened causing me to shake I look around my vision slightly blurry from whatever fucking chemicals that carbon sprayed in my face.

I look down to see robin passed the fuck out next to me I shake him patting his face harder as he wouldn't wake up his eyes open wide and he quickly sits up almost whacking me in the face.

He grabs my arm looking at me calmly but his eyes screaming fear and calling out for 'help' he stares at me tears welling up in his eyes he shuts them tightly before looking at me.

"I'm sorry." I say with a shaky breath on the verge of tears "I should have listened to you I was being stubbo-" I could barely finish my sentence before I feel a warmth surrounding me robin arellano was hugging me and the only thing that I could do was hug him back tears escaping my eyes as I cry silently into his shoulder.

He smelled of cinnamon and cigarettes a weird combination but one that matched him I know the cigarette smell probably wasn't him robin didn't seem to be the person to smoke no matter his 'bad boy' persona he never seemed like the one to even touch a cigarette in his life I wanted to know where he got it from but my sniffling got the best of me as choke on a sob.

Finney omg Finney he wasn't here that means he's dead the bastard son of a puta killed my brother and I was gonna die by 𝙝𝙞𝙨 hands just like him.

I hear a door open quickly I look up robin pushes me behind him as I look over his shoulder "the fuck do you want!?" Robin yells into the ounce almost quiet basement that held my sobs.

He sits down on the bed robin scooting to  press his back against the wall me being next to him our shoulders touching he showed us his arm my eyes widen and I almost felt the urge to laugh because I inflicted pain on him  but in a situation like this I knew it wasn't appropriate.

"Look at that im covered in blood" he speaks menacingly his voice sounds deeper it echoed in the cold basement "almost like I killed someone" he adds me and robin stay silent I hold tightly on his hand afraid no matter how confident I was I'm still just a kid We where just kids

My vision still blurry I stare at his silhouette he waves his hand in front of my face robin flinches beside me he grabs the man's hand the grabber glares at him and he on instinct quickly let's go.

"Don't touch him" robin speaks slowly his voice seems put together but I can tell by the way he shakes beside he is anything but that the grabber seems to move his advances of of robin and puts more of his attention to me he seems to have realized robin has a Tempur.

"Not like you can see shit" he comments his voice low like gravel "I'm not gonna hurt ya" I almost scoff out of the irony of it all he kidnapped me what else is he going to do?

"What I did by putting that knife to your neck I was just angry I didn't want him to scream" he takes a long look at robin who snarls and glares like he wants him to cripple with just his stare.

He points to the injury "I mean you already did a number on my arm" he chuckles like it's a fond memory "I guess you could say where even. you don't have to be scared cause nothin bad is goin to happin to you"
He reaches over to touch my hair but quickly retracts his hand as robin puts a arm in front of me "you two close friends?"

He asks his voice seems to have held a emotion seeming to be annoyance "if I knew this one would be yappin like a dog I would have only taken you" he sighs dreamily as he looks at me I feel a shiver of discomfort crawl up my spine as he continues to stare before robin speaks up "stop starin pendejo"

The grabber glares at him this time with more vigor then the last this causes robin to shut his trap and and me to glare at him "you boys like soda?" His voice gets back to sickly sweet almost making me want to throw up .

"I'll tell you what I'ma get you two a soda" he says  before he can continue we hear a thump where I assume upstairs would be "do you hear a phone?" He questions us like we would know he shifts of  the bed

and he walks over to the door shutting it I hear a click sound of a lock I  wait a moment as I grab ahold of robins hand and we both walk over to the door I clutch the door handle with my hands tightly and pull.

I pull until my hands have red marks on them robin pushes me gently aside before he speaks up "let me try hermoso" he pulls and props his feet up on the wall beside the door it doesn't work.

I quickly walk over as I see a small opening robin quickly following behind me I turn on a light I see on the wall beside it turning it on the light swings wildly going haywire as only a string connects it to the sealing.

I sigh as I see no window above the toilet where I was hoping it would be. robin now wandering to the main part of the basement yells quietly

"Come over here I think I found something"
I quickly walk over and see a black phone connected to the wall I almost smile hope quickly rising to my chest as robin puts the phone to his ear and clicked the receiver (?)

It doesn't work as he seems to look at the phone with confusion I get closer to the wall lightly bumping shoulders with him as I do so I see the wire cut of and I sigh a lump forming in my throat as all hope I had comes crashing down.

Robin pulls me twords the bed in the room and gently cradles my head and leans it on his shoulder I shake in his arms "where going to die" is the only thing I whisper before falling back into the abyss of darkness of sleep that awaits me I don't catch the "your getting out of here with or without me" robin mutters into my hair where he rests his own head.

Sorry for the BIG late update good news though! My mom is going through FAST recovery she's getting stronger and stronger every day theres no more blood loss coming for her can I get a "HELL YEAH" from the people in the comments anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter I have serious dislike for it remember to Vote and I love you! <3

words~ 1259

re read= yes but please correct me on my grammar anyway 🤗

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