𝐂𝐡7. 𝐚𝐦 𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥?

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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

"𝙄m glad it's you" and Sam at that moment felt tears flow down his cheeks and his heart weigh a extra pound for this boy. This boy he didn't even know for long but he still is crying for "it's ok Sammy don't cry" and Sam sobs quietly after Bruce tries to console him.

robin puts his hand on his shoulder for support he doesn't know how the missing Bruce Yamada presumed dead is on this phone but all he knows is that Sam Blake is crying and he just wants to comfort him.

"Listen sammy" Sam quickly wiped his tears if Bruce was communicating to him beyond the dead then he must have something important to say to him and robin "there's a loose tile in the hallway that's broken"

Sam looks back confused while robin goes over to check it out "i tried to dig deep under the foundation but I didn't have enough time." Sam closes his eyes as he feels more tears trying to escape and he speaks throat still impossibly soar from screaming for help.

"Will I have enough time?" There's a pause and  just as Sam thinks Bruce has hung up on him he hears a click. and he puts the phone back to head over to robin.
he doesn't think he will hear from Bruce for a while after this.

He sees robin inspecting the floor confusion written on his face like the checkered tiles are a puzzle that only a genius could solve. Sam bends down knee slightly touching robins and he's all to aware of this feeling but he brushes it away instead reaching for the tile Bruce has described.

His hands find a chip in the tile a clean cut that seems to slowly peel away with the help of robin and brute force. they manage to pull away the tile to reveal a big patch of soil

Bruce had explained of, he grabs a chunk of it and puts it on a pile he has all ready started on. he only stops to see that robin wasn't doing anything "what the fuck are you waiting for carbron? A invitation?"

Robin rolls his eyes and sighs annoyingly "maybe I would like to know what the fuck your doing?" Sam scoffs "what do you think I'm doing!? Digging my way to hell?"

Sam sighs at his small outburst after he realizes what he had said "I'm sorry okay where digging a whole to escape robin I thought it was obvious"

Robins eyes widen a little and his mouth forms a O shape as he nods. he doesn't talk about what Sam had said choosing to ignore it maybe it's because he had been scared too? It was natural to be scared and cause sudden outbursts.

He understands how sam's feeling and he knew they weren't going to get out if they didn't communicate he would bring that up when the time comes though. he and Sam gather all the dirt as bigger and bigger piles of dirt start to form they flush them down the toilet and make sure not to put too much in fear of clogging it.

Sam finishes flushing the toilet deciding they've dug a big enough hole as he helps robin out of it he grips onto his arm and pulls him self out Sam looks down "maybe i were being a little too literal when I said we would dig our way to hell"

This causes robin to laugh silently and this causes Sam to smirk as he hears it. sounding like an angels whistling a tune he could listen to on Sunday afternoons in the summer spring and watch tulips grow and hunch over never getting bored of the discovery of something new.

He knows it sounds poetic and shit but robin is just as beautiful as those tulips he grabs a carpet from the corner as robin helps him after calming his laughter he grabs the other end as they cover the hole in the floor as to not make the grabber angry.

He holds robins hand and leads him to the (musty,dusty,crusty ass) bed in the room they hold on to eachother Sam's the first to fall asleep tired emotionally and physically hearing Bruce on the phone damn near broke his heart

Robin kissed Sam's forehead as he finally shuts his own eyes falling asleep in Sam's embrace.



I love you. it's not a secret we share to eachother but for now we hide hands under tables and kiss in the shadows. we share our love In moments only for our eyes and sometimes I cry to these moments I cry because no one will ever know of our love. we can never kiss in the sun on summer days and can never hug outside in the winter light we love eachother amor we really do. but I wish one day in the future I can do these things outside in that bright light of Denver I can kiss you in the rain like those cheesy couples do in movies or I can even hold you at a supermarket without getting glares from the recipients of the isle. maybe one day you can be mine forever and everyone will know it. but for now I will hold your hand under a table and kiss you in the shadows because even then I can still love you .

𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘯

𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳 1987 𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵 22𝘯𝘥


Sorry this was kind off short It was like only 988 something words but I hope you enjoyed! updates will be a little late and I'm sorry for that but I do have a life outside of Wattpad and I need to take care of some things so I hope you understand updates will be every weekend or evey other weekend for sure :)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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