𝐂𝐡4.𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐚𝐝

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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

𝙄 awoke to the sound of Gwen's cry's and dad's grunts and yells. normally I would have been sleeping but at this time of day I wake up hoping to see finny on the other side of the room on a twin bed 5 feet away from me.

And I know I say I have given up but my brain can't really register what I'm feeling these days. so I wake up early on a reflex I question the noise before jumping out of bed and running out my bedroom door.

I see Terrence hitting Gwen with a belt I stare in fear and shake slightly before snapping my self out of it finny wouldn't want me to sit and stare like he would he'd want me to fight back.

"Explain to me why I got cops coming to my work looking for answers about a missing kid!" He looks angry but I can see the little regret in his eyes lord knows why he couldn't just stop after finny-

"Hey!" My voice speaks louder then my thoughts Terrence stops to glare at me "What the fuck are you doing!?!" I yell
Fear coursing through my body but I stand strong for Gwen.

"YOU want to explain to me the little dreams I'm hearin police yap about!? Huh!" He yells I flinch but put on a poker face for Gwen my mind repeats.

"Just calm the fuck down and leave her alone!" I yell Voice quivering ever so lightly he stares at me glares and drops the belt Gwen shakes sobbing lightly.

"What you say boy?" I glare at him "no actúes como si no me hubieras oído" he looks even more angrier "we don't speak that language in this house!" I shake my head.

"Don't give me that shit pendejo! YOU took me in knowing FULL well my race and now that I'm older YOU out of all people want to make me hide a PART of my self!?!?"

He looks at me in shock I nod my head at his
Cowardness for not being able to admit his mistakes "you know what 'dad' " I spit out the tittle like a slur I would be called just by walking outside.

"Fuck you" a single tear slips down my cheek but I don't waste a beat before wiping it away with the sleeve of my pajama shirt.

I grab Gwen's arm and sit down on the floor in front of the TV and let Gwen sit beside me I put on cartoons for Gwen but won't admit that they are somewhat for me as well to let myself wind down Terrence yells from the kitchen probably trying to uphold control of our argument.

"And no ice on that bum young lady!!!" I scoff lightly and shake my head I notice Gwen still sobbing I pull her in lightly making sure not be too rough as to not scare her and side hug her no words where exchanged in that moment as I knew the only thing Gwen needed in that moment was comfort.


After about a hour or so Terrence leaves to go to work he slams the door in his wake probably still pissed I get it I still am too after a minute I get up  Gwen looks over questionably but I  shake my "I'm going to a friends house today you good enough to be here alone?"

What I really meant was ' you want me to be here before that puta Madre comes back?' she looks at me with a raised eyebrow "friend, what friend?" My face turns sour playfully I roll my eyes.

"I'm not a loner Gwen" she looks at me and sees through my bullshit she chuckles "what ever dingus go hang out with your friend or whatever" I notice the small smile on her lips.

I changed into a quick outfit and head out the door after saying my goodbyes to Gwen.


I head to robins house to see if he wants to hang out today or if he wants to study I knock on the front door already having memorized the apartment name in my memory.

Robin opens the door with a annoyed look before seeing me and smirking "hola hermoso" I still haven't gotten used to that the fact I have a slight blush on my face goes unsaid.

"Hey robin I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today since yesterday was full of studying" he has a look of thought on his face and I quickly backtrack.

"I mean only if!-" I'm cut off my robin who rolls his eyes playfully "yeah sure" I sigh in relief "but I was gonna go to the corner to get some snacks first wanna come?" I smile brightly and nod I don't notice his tiny blush that goes as quick as it comes.


Were walking down the slight hill that leads to the store but I quickly notice a black van that has the words abracadabra engraved on it a man seemingly dressed like magician comes out from the back.

He's holding a grocery bag me and robin almost pass by him but he trips and drops the bag I have a bad feeling about him but don't want to be rude.

I grab robin by the wrist and he looks at me in surprise as we skid to a stop I gesture to the guy and looks at me annoyed before nodding.

I get closer to the man "do you need help?" I ask politely Robin stands next to me his posture slouched and he looks truly annoyed to be there I nudge his arm.

He stares at me but my vision is casted to the man in a cape he looks at me and smiles a erie one I choose to ignore the chill that goes up my spine.

"Ahh yes I'm so clumsy thank you!" I crouch down and help him pick up everything robin helping me.

"Thank you young man! Would you like to see a magic trick?" I decided to decline "no thank you sir! me and my friend have to go"
I don't want to be with this man any longer then I have to.

"Ahh come on just one little trick!" Robin interrupts him "he said no man leave him alone" robin glares at the unknown man before I know it I'm being pulled twords the man.

Me and robin gasp in the blink of and eye I have a knife being pulled at my throat my eyes shut tight in fear I can feel my self shake "now here's how this is gonna go your gonna get in the van calmly" my eyes are opened wide now robin  has his arms up as a sign he's not gonna pull anything.

He nods strictly looking at me with so much concern I swear I've never seen anyone look at me like that robin slowly gets into the back of the van next thing I know I'm getting sprayed with some chemical in my mouth  I tried to fight back I really did I cut his arm with my ring and I heard a grunt before passing out

sorry it took me so long to update😭 I just found out recently my mom is getting surgery and I've been trying to spend more time with her as much as possible anyway hope you liked to new chapter! Things are getting exciting 😉


Re-read=yes but please correct me on my grammar! :)

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