𝐂𝐡.2 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫

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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

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ᵍⁱᶠ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ (slcw-dance)

𝙒hen your usually in science class your head becomes a blur and you can't remember jack shit especially when the teacher is talking a bazillion words in one millisecond I was fidgeting with my ring that has angel wings on it trying to stay focused because I actually saw a college in my future.

I felt eyes on me so I slightly turn my head in that direction it was Donna one of finnys crushes he would gush about her constantly to me when Gwen wasn't around cause he actually wanted some advice. I slightly smile at her confused why she was staring.

She turned her head quickly which left a big ass question mark in my head '?' but the bell rang so I chose to ignore it <like all my problems> stepping out the classroom I quickly notice the three boys who would bully finny when he went missing

They decided to bully the 'fag' of the school who just so happened to be his brother. I guess it was because they caught me making out with some dude I dumped like a year ago.

In no way shape or form am I ashamed of it or afraid of those shit shows who think their the boss I just don't want to deal with their pathetic excuse of what they call a 'punch'
Right now.

"Hey fag!" I ignore him walking down the hall they still follow me so In my last attempt to ditch them I go to the bathroom I go in a cubicle not even making a full effort  to prop my feet up just to annoy them and show them I'm not afraid.

"Hey Sam come on out dickweed your not fooling anyone" I groan and walk out head held high I don't want to deal with them but if I have to I'll throw the first punch.

"What cha doing in our bathroom" one of the boys ask "yeah the sign says boys not fags "I didn't see your name on it Estupido"
I reply

The door clicks open robin appears holding tape? In his hand"dipshits move" they move at his will if it where possible I would have heart eyes for the guy "what's your name?" Robin asks he turns on the sink to wash his hands.

"Sam" I reply robin has his back turned to me he seems unbothered his posture loose but he also looks like he's confident I mentally slap myself In the side of my head.

It not time to gawk over a pretty boy right now "we have a problem in here?" Robin asks "no" I reply not wanting to start a problem right now "moose gots some sharp teeth blood dripping down me In first period" he says showing indifference washing blood of his knuckles.

The boys start to walk out probably not feeling comfortable in the same room as him "wait" robin says looking straight forward at the mirror "fuck with Sam again" robin turns toward them "I fuck with you" he makes sure to get his point across with a glare.

They stay still robin wipes his hands with  napkin "you can leave now" he gestures to the door with attitude I turn twords the urinal doing my business I look at robin to the my left "thank you" I say to him.

"I kne- know finny"he starts "were friends" he continues. my jaw clenches slightly it's like every body feels pity for me I don't give a shit he's gone and there's nothing I can do about it.

"Why'd you fight moose" I ask instead. he tapes his arm staying silent for a second but I know he's not nervous he must have realized I don't want to talk about him.

"He was just shit talking" his replies short we don't exactly know eachother I knew finny went to someones house to help touter
Them but I didn't know their name I'm guessing its robin now that I know they knew eachother.

"Pretty sure he'd back down" he continues taping "nope" he says I slightly chuckle he does too. he seems like a nice guy "I was so surprised he swung to be honest" he smiles at me I flush and go over next to him to wash my hands.

"It was cool the way he passed out and went all" I sway slightly to give the look of feeling faint and rest my hand on my head he smirks slightly at my humor.

"I was just gonna whale on him a bit" he explains I nod "but I drew blood so In a situation like that the more the better" a smile comes to my face "for the crowd you know?" He finishes taping "yeah I get it" I dry my hands.

"It makes a stronger point, I've seen Texas chainsaw massacre you see it?" Robin asks coming Little closer  twords me he was resting on one of the cubicles now he's resting his hip on the sink where I'm standing.

If my face was red he didn't mention it "yeah it was so cool! I'm a big fan of horror"
I reply. dad doesn't like when I watch rated R but I make sure to be quiet while he was  passed out drunk.

"Me and my uncle watched it at the drive thru man it was the best" after a second "well maybe a second best from 'into the dragon'" I chuckle he smiles at my laugh I haven't laughed in a while since Finney.

"Hey are you good at math?" Im kind of confused by the question but answer anyway "got a C why?" Robin looks reluctant to ask but does anyway.

"Can you help me study at my house after school Mr.jhonson talks to fast and i don't get it" I pause for a second he seems nice and isn't a asshole he hasn't given me a reason to say no either why not?

"Sure but just to warn you I'm not the best" I answer he smirks "neither am I"

He hands me a slip of paper with his address on it and gives me a wink he walks out the bathroom and I smile at our little encounter.


"You wanted to see me?" Gwen asks "Gwendolyn Blake this is detective Wright and detective Miller" the principal introduced the two detectives.

"They would like to talk to you about something" she sits down at her desk as the detective gestures for her to take a seat as well she does albeit reluctantly.

"What did you say to Amy about her brother Bruce?" The detective gets straight into it Gwen fidgets in her seat lightly "just that I had a dream about him" "what kind of a dream?" He questions "just a weird one" Gwen says getting slightly uncomfortable.

"What kind of dream?" He questions again now Gwen was full on uncomfortable she didn't want to be here any longer but she answered non the less "just that he was taken" the detective finally gets to the point.

"By a man with black balloons and a van"
"Yes" Gwen says "what else can you tell us about your dream?" "Why it was just a dream" Gwen replays with quick attitude.

"Who else knows about this dream" asks detective Wright "nobody!" "We found two black balloons at the scene Gwen" detective Miller says "......oh" 

"and we never disclosed that information so either there's a leak in the depar-" "or I'm the grabber" Gwen says with vigor "n-" he quickly tries to say"so I kidnapped my brother and vance hopper,vance was left back twice and I bet he could kick both your asses-"

"GWEN!" The principal yells the detectives eyebrows raise "blindfolded" Gwen says "cause I'm the grabber you dumb fucking fart knockers"  the detective quickly shuts Gwen up.

"Gwen what aren't you telling us?" Gwen silences for a moment "that sometimes my dreams are right"

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