Chapter 18

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Lincoln's POV

It smells like fruit, my favorite part of Amity was the fruit season. I pick the lemons quickly sometimes taking a second to inhale the citrus. "Lincoln." I hear a deep voice call my name "Lincoln wake up!" Eric pulls me out of my dream. We had been hiding out in this damp cave for several days it smelled nothing like lemons, it smelled of dirt and stale water.

"Is everything okay?" I ask he pulls me close to him, he had completely healed from his injuries, just faint scrapes and bruises remain. "Yes I was dreaming of Amity." I feel his arm tighten around me "Lincoln, what are we going to do?" he asks. "Well it seems they are always two steps ahead of us, how do you beat an opponent when the element of surprise is taken away?" I sit up letting his arm fall from me, he sits up next to me. "You attack with brute force, but we don't exactly have the numbers we need to attack." Eric says.

I place my head in my hands what was I going to do, how do I win? I don't even know what I'm fighting for anymore. "Wait, Lincoln while I was in there I remember them talking about some sort of switch, a kill switch!" he says getting up his bare chest still bruised "It turns off all the experiments, it shuts down the system!" I look at him thinking about what he has just said "Why would they create something like that? Why would they choose to destroy decades of work?" I asked he shrugs "They are crazy who knows why they do anything. That's the solution, break in hit the switch."

So we have a plan, no plan B just this. Night fell we will attack right before sunrise. "Eric." I said in the darkness of the cave "Yes?" his deep voice reverberates off the cave walls "I can't sleep." he rolls over to me "I can't either." he kisses me, it's the first time he has kissed me in so long, I just wanted to feel close to him, like our old selves before all of this. "Eric." he moves to kissing my neck "Mhm?" he hums against my throat "Make love to me Eric." he pauses and comes back to my face the moonlight starting to seep in making his face slightly visible. "I love you Lincoln." he says I grin feeling tears at my eyes "I love you Eric."

That night Eric and I were one, I howled to the moon as he thrusted into me, making me feel nothing but him. The overwhelming pleasure of the man I love reducing me to moans and screams. Every muscle in his body worked in unison, the rocks dug into my back but only aided to the pleasure. He kissed me with a fire so fierce, he made me melt into him, as he melted into me. Our breaths rising and falling rapidly together. Always together, never apart. Two hearts beating as one. We didn't sleep one wink just laid together, no words, just flesh.

The sun was rising and we had already made it all the way to the compound, it seemed even more daunting now that I had been inside. The security was doubled since the last time. I take my swords out slowly from their case, Eric is unarmed but he has always enjoy using his hands. "It's now or never Lincoln." I took a deep breath and ran. The alarms were going off, almost immediately after jumping the wall we were spotted. Blood, I taste blood in my mouth after a gun connected with my jaw. Fist were flying, my animalistic side took over. I see my swords flying left and right without fault. I move in great strides, it's as if I'm not part of my body anymore it's working on its own. Eric is behind me, taking a guards weapon. We fight our way to the main building, greeted by several guards I feel a searing pain in my shoulder, the crack of a shot being fired seconds before. I continue the pain quickly going numb, the markings bold on my arms as I slash into human flesh. 

Stone steps are hard underneath my boots, we have made it into the main building. We are greeted by a mass of guards, they know where we were headed. I know Elizabeth will be hiding behind the mass of protection. We fight, Eric shoots and punches while I push forward. We manage to get into the room, I locate the kill switch but a voice stops me right before I push it "Lincoln" I hear Elizabeth. I turn slowly there she is with a group heavily armed guards "Very well done." she says smiling "What?" I ask what was this crazy women talking about now. "Oh sweet Lincoln, you are far to trust worthy." I look at her my eyes narrow, the burning in my shoulder returning. "You have done very well." Elizabeth says but not to me Eric.

"Thank you." Eric responds walking over to Elizabeth. 

I have no words, he was one of them. "See Lincoln, Eric has been a part of this whole experiment." she says stepping closer to me "We kept running this experiment, this is actually the tenth time you've been through it. Every time you have gotten better, but you always falter towards the end." she comes closer "We had giving you everything needed to thrive, but then it occurred to us there was one thing we had never given you." She smiled "Love, Lincoln, we never gave you love, and with love comes motivation and hope. Which both are very powerful." I stumble feeling dizzy "B-But." I lean against the counter "Lincoln you're our greatest piece of work, we imprisioned thousands just for the sake of this experiment. Erased endless memories, reset more times than we can remember. You should feel rather special." I blinked wide eyed "I wouldn't describe the feeling as special." she laughs at this. She was laughing at me.

"Eric is a program head, he volunteered for this role." she walks over to Eric who steps forward "Lincoln you hold great power, you have the ability to fix this broken world." I laugh at his comment "The only thing broken with this world is the people standing in this room." I step forward and in one moment every gun is pointed at me "You are experimenting on people that are not broken!" I yell at Elizabeth "There must be uniformity, Individual point of views produce violence, and disagreement." I cut her off "The world is supposed to have individuality, that's what makes us human. Violence is human nature, it's part of life. To avoid anger is to avoid humanity!" I advance to her hearing the safety's on the guards guns switched off. "You have already given us everything we need Lincoln. You're duty to program is over." Eric says softly. I stare at him in disbelief, I could handle being a part of some sick twisted experiment but I couldn't handle this. I couldn't lose him.

"What now?" I ask trying my best to stay steady. "You will be terminated from the program, we will inject a new serum that is constructed from the work we have done with you into the population. One city, One unit. We will all work as one. I'm sorry you can't be a part of that Lincoln, Such a shame." I start to laugh at her, I sound like a psychopath, but it was like switch in me flipped on, recoiling the brightest and most fierce fires "Yes Elizabeth what a shame, you told me I would figure out what I was here for, I can tell you it isn't for what you entailed." I stand tall, my grip tightening on my swords. My fist slams in one swift motion straight down onto the kill switch. "Such a shame." I say before lunging forward my vision going dark as I do what I am intented to do, defend humanity.

A/N: This chapter epically sucked in my eyes, but no matter how I wrote it, it never came out well so I gave up and just threw it out there. Next chapter will be better, at least in my head it is! 

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